The Duck Army

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Requested by at Bisquits93

Billy loomis has a secret. He has a duck collection. He sometimes makes them into an army.

Nobody knows about it, and Billy would very much like to keep it that way.

He really tried to keep it that way until stu found out by accident.

He just went to the bathroom for a second and left his ducks out.

He didn't even know stu was coming over. He only took a minute in the bathroom before he came to his room and saw stu standing there , looking down at his ducks.

"Stu, what are you doing here?your not supposed to see that, so close your eyes," Billy quickly said

Stu looked at him smiling, "Dude! You have a duck army ! Awesome," stu told him, and Billy blinked, confused

"You're... not, you know... weirded out by it?" Billy questioned and stu shook his head

"No. Why would I be? I love ducks," stu told him , walking over to him ,putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"And you don't have to hide things from me, Billy. I won't judge. We have Randy for that. " stu told him

"And....I also have a duck army ,though mine are purple," stu confessed

"You have a duck collection, too?" Stu nodded

"I love you," Billy said and stu smiled ,"I know, I love you too!" Billy smiled

"So...did you name them?" Billy nodded and went forward sitting on the floor and stu sat beside him, listening to Billy, who started listing the names.

"We should have a battle," stu suddenly told him, and Billy turned to look at him.

"Huh?" Stu smirked ,"a duck battle, but I have to get my ducks first, and you're so gonna lose Billy,"

Billy let out a small chuckle, grinning,"You are so on. Let's go to your house and have a battle," stu nodded

"And if I win. You have to do whatever I say," Billy added with his own little smirk, and stu playfully rolled his eyes

"I do that already," Billy smirked, got a little bigger ,"not in bed ,"

"Fine! But if I win you have to buy me all the ice cream I want," stu told him

Word count - 375

Hope you enjoy

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