"Don't fuck with My kids!" [part one]

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Billy loomis macher - 43

Stu loomis macher - 42

Samantha loomis macher - 24

Amara loomis macher - 23 (OC)

Jason loomis macher - 21 (OC)

Jesse loomis macher - 18 - (OC)

Camden loomis macher - 15(OC)

Johnny loomis macher - 13(OC)

Troy loomis macher - 8( OC)

One of their kids was in the hospital. Their middle child, Billy's favorite kid, even though he won't admit it. His little girl was in the hospital fighting for her life after being attacked by ghostface.

She protected her friends but ended up almost dying. She's currently in surgery with stab wounds in her abdomen and chest , slashes along her arms, and a stab wound in her left thigh.

Billy was fucking pissed and he wasn't the only one. Someone decided to attack his baby girl , he was seething with anger.

Soon, Jesse was out of surgery but was still in critical condition, Billy and stu walked into Jesse's hospital room ,both freezing once they laid their eyes on their daughter, stu's eyes welled up with tears as Billy fought so hard to keep it together and not break down right there.

She had a breathing tube down her down her throat. She had bandages wrapped her arms ,

"Oh baby," stu whispered, walking over standing by her side, reaching out and cupping her face, tears spilling out of his eyes

Billy clenched his fist, tears clouding his vision . He looked down at the floor , he couldn't help the sob that escaped him

Stu looked over at Billy, the sight of him breaking his heart even more. He left his daughter side and went over to Billy, pulling him into a hug, and Billy couldn't hold back anymore . He cried.
She was in a coma, and they had to put her in a coma, Billy didn't want to leave his daughters beside but he had to go find that son of bitch who hurt his daughter.

"I love you so much, my sweet baby girl, I promise you I'll find who did this, and I'll give them a painful death." Billy whispered, pressing a kiss to Jesse's head,

He shared a look with stu, who only nodded at him, and soon Billy walked out of the room.

"Dad! I came as soon as I heard, how is she? What happened?" Sam asked as she rushed over to him, panting slightly a man followed behind her

Billy narrowed his eyes at the man but would question it later. "She's in critical condition. They put in her in a coma. Your papa is in there with her right now," Billy told her

Sam's eyes watered , and Billy pulled her into a hug , "Go see her, she'll be okay, she's a fighter," Billy whispered, and Sam nodded ,"Give them a slow death," she whispered before she pulled back from the hug

"I'm gonna see my sister, " Sam said towards the guy who nodded ,"I'll wait out here," he said

Sam walked over, and Billy glanced at the guy ,"I um..didn't want us to meet this way but I'm Danny, Sam's boyfriend, I'm really sorry about what happened to your daughter," he said

"Take care of sam, okay? I have to go take care of something, but when I came back, we'll chat more," Billy told him, and Danny nodded, and soon Billy left the hospital.

Nothing and nobody will stop him from finding that son of bitch.
It took him only a few hours to find out who almost killed his daughter, and he was pissed.

He went home because he knew that the killer would be. He slammed the door to his car shut and rushed inside

"Amara!" Billy called out to his second oldest daughter. A few seconds later, Amara came down the stairs ,tear stains on her cheeks

"Dad, I thought you were still at the hospital," Amara said ,"Where's Richie?" Billy questioned, Richie is Amaras boyfriend

"He's upstairs. Why?"Amara questioned," because he's the one that attacked your sister," Billy told her, as he passed her , rushing up the stairs

Before Billy could reach the top stairs, a ghostface appeared and stabbed him in the shoulder

"Dad!" Amara yelled, running up the stairs , Billy grunted and kicked ghostface back against the wall , pulling the knife out of his shoulder, ignoring as the blood poured out, staining his once white shirt red.

"Daddy!" Troy, stu's and Billy's youngest child yelled, standing out of his room, tears running down his face

"Dad!" Two more shouts were heard, and it was Camden and Johnny," Amara, get your brothers out of here. Go now!" Billy ordered, and Amara nodded and rushed to her brothers

Billy sadisticly grinned at ghostface, "Now, you and me are gonna have some fun. You should have never hurt my daughter ," Billy grabbed ghostface and threw him down the stairs

He quickly followed. He didn't even give ghostface a chance to stand up, "you thought I wouldn't find out?" Billy stabbed ghostface in the leg, earning a small yell, but Billy didn't care

Billy reached out and took the mask off, seeing Richie, "You! I let you date my daughter, and then you decided to almost kill my other daughter!?" Billy wrapped a hand around Richies throat, pointing the knife towards Richie face

"You're gonna suffer a painful death," Billy whispered , Richie chuckled ,"I wasn't alone...I'm not alone," Richie said

"Dad, watch out!"
Word count - 900

Hope you enjoy!

Part two will come soon!

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