I'm not a feelings kinda guy but for you...I'll try

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Requested by cloeeee_

Stu macher needed to be shown that he was loved. If you just tell him that you love him, he won't really believe it until you show him that you do.

And that's a problem because his boyfriend Billy loomis doesn't show affection of any kind.

He daily tells stu that he loves him but doesn't want to hold hands, hug, or anything like that.

It made stu think that Billy didn't really love him. But Billy really did love him more than anything in the world.

Many people thought the two of them wouldn't last long because Billy and stu were so different.

Stu was affectionate, while Billy wasn't, stu was a social butterfly, and Billy wasn't.

Stu loves affection, but Billy can't give him that. They were the complete opposite from each other.

Currently, the two of them were at the mall with their friends. Billy had his hands stuffed in his pockets, walking beside stu.

Tatum and Sidney were walking hand and hand in front of them, and Randy was beside them chatting away.

Billy glanced over at stu and saw that he was frowning, and his eyes held sadness.

"What's wrong?" Billy questioned,"Huh?" Stu turned his head to look at him, his frown turning into a smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Nothing, " stu replied, but Billy knew it wasn't nothing. Something was clearly bothering stu.

"You seemed down. Something is clearly bothering you." Billy told him

"It's nothing!...sorry , it's nothing really," stu told him, Billy was a bit taken back by the sudden mood change.

"Okay, jeez, I was just asking," Billy mumbled, and stu's face fell, thinking he made Billy upset.

"I'm sorry," stu whispered, Billy barely heard it due to the chatter of the people around them.

"Hey, stu! What do you think of this skirt?" Tatum asked, and stu walked away from Billy towards Tatum ,

Randy started to walk beside Billy , "What's wrong with stu?" He questioned, and Billy shrugged

Both Randy and Billy watched as Sidney walked out of the store first before Tatum and stu walked

Stu had his arms wrapped around Tatum shoulders , with a huge smile on his face, swaying their body's side to side as Tatum let out a laugh.

"I think I know what's wrong," Randy mumbled to himself, and Billy glanced at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Ignore me, I talk to myself sometimes," he told him. Billy rolled his eyes and looked back over to others, who were coming their way.

"You guys got anything special?" Randy asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Randy, you perv!" Tatum said, giggling when stu spun them around.

"Tat, got a blue plaid skirt," stu said ,"it matches with my new top," Tatum added

"Are you guys hungry? I'm starving," stu suddenly said, "I want pizza!" Stu put an arm around Randy's shoulders and started to walk with him and Tatum towards the food court.

Sidney walked beside Billy, "he wants you to show him affection," Sidney suddenly said

"Huh?" Billy glanced at her with confusion," stu, he needs affection. It's how he knows that someone loves him," she told him

"I tell him I love him every day," Billy told her, "That's not the same, stu is the kind of person that needs to be shown affection to know that he is loved," Sidney told him

"I don't do affection," Billy told her, "or feelings in public," he added

"What about when you guys are alone? Did you know that stu's parents always told him that they loved him but never showed him that they did? He told us," Sidney told him, and Billy looked over to where stu was with Randy and Tatum.

He was laughing to whatever Randy just said , he frowned...stu does know that he loves him very much, right?

Was he upset earlier because of that? "Hey, sid! Billy, come on!"

Billy and Sidney walked over and sat down at the table were they're friends were at.

Sidney sat beside Tatum, and Billy sat beside stu, Randy sitting between both couples.

Billy glanced at stu, who was chatting away with Randy. He wonders how stu could be with someone who can't show him that's he loved?

"Small gestures matter," a tiny voice in his head told him . He slowly and hesitantly reached his hand out ,

He grabbed stu hands in his hands and looked away when stu turned to look at him.

Billy only tightened his hold on stu's hand before he let go and put his hands back in his pockets.

From the corner of his eye, he could see stu smile before he continued chatting with Randy,

Stu fought the feeling of wanting to kiss Billy right there since Billy hated PDA.

"Speaking ab-..."
Word count - 800

Hope you enjoy

I'm a person who gives affection but hates it when it is directed towards me (does that make sense)?

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