"i...thank you for making me feel better"

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Requested by cloeeee_

"Look at you, you gained some pounds,"

"You eat too much,"

"You're such a pig!"

All those thoughts swarmed stu's mind as he looked at himself in the mirror, all stu could see was that fat that wasn't even there, could see the pounds he supposedly gained, never noticing how skinny he was , all his friends could see besides him , all he could see was the fat

Stu hates his body. He doesn't think it's perfect enough, doesn't think it's loveable enough, he doesn't understand how Billy can love him with a body like his.

With a sigh, he walked away from the mirror and walked out of his room, pausing as he passed by the kitchen

His stomach growled in hunger, but he couldn't eat. He was too fat , he shook his head and forced himself to ignore the growing in his stomach as he continued to walk towards the front door, grabbing his school bag before walking out of his house

Stu bit his lip as he saw Billy pulling up, he parked the car, and got out, rushing over to the passenger side and opening the door with a smile that stu thought was really adorable

"Morning darling," he greeted as stu came near him, "Morning Billy," stu greeted back

"You don't have to always open the door for me ," stu told him ,"of course I do, I'm a gentleman, and a gentleman always opens the door for their love of their life," Billy replied

Stu felt a pang of sadness and guilt. How could Billy love him? Call him the love of his life?

"Hey, you okay?" Billy asked, after noticing stu's sudden mood change, feeling worried as he saw the sadness and guilt in his eyes

Stu slowly nodded, forcing a smile on his face, "Yeah, I'm okay, thanks billy," stu quietly said, getting in the car, Billy gently closed the door and got back in the car, glancing worriedly at stu before driving to school

Throughout the whole day, Billy kept an eye on stu, noticing the way he would hide himself or make himself smaller

It was during lunch, when Billy finally realized what was wrong, stu was pushing his food around with his fork , his stomach growled in protest , wanting food but stu refuse to give in.

"You alright stu? You look a little pale," Sidney softly asked , stu glanced up at her and nodded,"I'm alright," he quietly replied,

"Are you not hungry?" Billy questioned,worriedly looking at him ," not really," stu replied, with a small shrug

"That's a bit surprising since you eat a lot, every minute," Randy joked, unknowing what his words caused stu to think

"See, even your friends think your fat," he thought to himself , stu let out a small laugh ,"Yeah I gues that why I'm not hungry, um..excuse me , I have to go to the bathroom," stu said, before standing up and walking off

Billy stood up and without a word, followed stu , stu noticed Billy following him , he stopped and turned around

"I..I need to be alone for a minute Billy," stu told him, "What's wrong?" Billy asked

"N-nothing ," stu said, and Billy gave him a disbelieving look before gently grabbing stu's hand and pulling him into an empty classroom

"What's going on with you? And don't lie to me, stu, please don't lie to me," Billy softly asked

"How.. how can you love me?" Stu quietly asked, and Billy barely heard it, but he did, and he stared at stu as if he finally understood everything,"how could I not?" Stu looked at him with wide eyes

"God, you're so perfect, so beautiful , so kind, so loyal, so smart, you have the kindest heart in this whole town, God if I can stare at you all day I would, " Billy told him, cupping Stu's face in his hands

"You... you do stare at me all day," stu whispered, eyes filled with unshed tears

"Yeah, cause you're so beautiful," Billy replied ,"but I'm not, I'm so fat, i..I don't even know how you can look at me without being disgusted by the way I look," stu said

"Fat? You think you're fat?...shit..is that why you didn't eat at lunch? Baby, listen to me, and I want you to really listen to me, okay? " Billy told him with a serious look on his face

"You are not fat, okay, you're perfect, I don't want you to skip eating, okay? I want you to eat, if you don't eat, you'll get sick and I don't want you to get sick , I love you so much and it hurts me seeing you sick, and listen you shouldn't care what other people think okay, " Billy told him and stu nodded

"Now, I'm gonna ask you something, and you have to be completely honest with me, okay?" Billy asked, and stu nodded once again

"Did..did you eat all today?" He asked, stu shook his head, "i..I haven't eaten since... since movie night," stu confessed, and Billy inhaled sharply, cursing under his breath

"That was Friday. Today is Monday. You're telling me that you didn't eat at all this weekend or this morning?" Billy said

"I'm so sorry, Billy, I'm hungry, but my insecure thoughts always win, I'm so sorry, Billy," stu told him, the tears spilling out of his eyes

Billy pulled him into a hug, tucking stu's head under his chin and tightly holding him . He could feel how skinny stu was, and it upset him, but he could have his moment later. Right now, he has to focus on stu , make him better

"It's gonna be okay, I'm gonna take care of you. We're gonna skip school, and we're gonna head home, okay, and you're gonna eat alright, " Billy told him

"We can't just leave," stu whispered ,"Yes, yes we can, you're health is way more important than school," Billy told him, and stu nodded against him

"Okay, and Billy?" Billy hum , thank you..thank you for making me feel better," Billy pressed a kiss to stu's head

1023 words

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