" It..just a bad day,"

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This is a request by anonymous. I hope y'all enjoy.

When stu woke up in the morning, he thought that he would have a good day . He was feeling great when he woke up. He was happy , he didn't know what happened

One minute, he was in the bathroom , washing his hands, and the next he was punching the mirror, he didn't know that he had done it until he felt the pain in his hand

He removed his hand from the mirror and held it in front of him, watching as the blood slid down his hand to his arm.

He glanced towards the cracked mirror, and a cracked reflection was staring right back at him , tears welled up in his eyes as the reflection mirrored what he was feeling inside

He looked down and turned the knobs to turn the water on. He cleaned the blood before shutting the water off and walking out of the bathroom without sparing a glance at the cracked mirror.

When stu stepped out of the bathroom, he bit his lip as he glanced around his room .It was a mess, and he should really clean it up, but first, he has to take his pills

He ignored the feeling of wanting to clean and rushed out of his room and walked downstairs and into the kitchen .He went to the medicine cabinet, opened it, and grabbed his medication.

As he was about to open it, something caught his eye, the whiteboard, but that wasn't what caught his attention. It was the message that was written on it

["Hey sweetie, sorry we couldn't be here when you woke up, worked called, and we have to go in early. Don't wait up for us. We might not be able to come home today.

Xoxo mom, and dad,"]

The burst of anger just came out of nowhere, and he threw the pill bottle across the room without thinking about it. The bottle cap popped, and the pills scattered all over the place

"Shit,shit, no, no, oh shit," stu mumbled, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before exhaling "Fuck," he cursed under his breath

He let out a small whimper before a sob escaped him , he sat on the floor, under the counter, bringing his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around them and buring his face in his knees, as sobs escaped him.

Billy walked up the stairs of the porch, pulling out the key that stu gave him . He unlocked the front door to stu's house. As he opened the door, he pocketed the key,

As he closed the door, he heard soft sobs. He wouldn't have heard it if he wasn't paying attention, but he's always paying attention to stu.

Concern Billy walked towards the sobbing and walked into the kitchen.

He heard sobbing from the kitchen but he couldn't see stu anywhere , he stepped forward and he stepped on something, he took a step back and saw a pill on the floor before noticing pills scattered across the floor

"Stu?" He called out. He heard the sobs stop before he heard a whimper,"b..billy?" He saw stu peak from behind the counter, and his heart ached

Stu's face was puffy from crying, his eyes were red, and tears were spilling out of his eyes , Billy didn't hesitate to go over to him and kneeled in front of him, looking at with worried eyes

"What's wrong, darling?" Billy softly questioned, reaching out and cupping Stu's face in his hands

"I...i.. I'm having a bad day, Billy," stu cried out , "i..I dropped my pills," he added 

"Hey, hey, it's gonna be okay," Billy told him, and stu shook his head, looking down

"It's not!it's not gonna be okay! I don't have any more pills!and they're supposed to make me feel better! And..and I can't be better if I don't have my pills," stu sobbed out, pushing Billy's hands away and buring his face in between his knees again

"Hey, hey stu, look at me," Billy softly ordered , stu sniffled and slowly looked up at Billy, "we get more pills okay, we'll get more, and you feel better okay, " Billy told him

"I'm sorry, Billy, I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened, I just got angry and I didn't mean to punch the mirror or..or..or throw my pills, I'm so sorry , I didn't mean to do it, please don't be mad," stu said

"I'm not mad, darling, I could never get mad at you, can I..can I see your hand?I want to make sure your hand okay?" Billy softly said , stu sniffled, and he stretched out his injuried hand towards Billy

Billy noticed the way stu hand shook. He wished that he could take all the pain stu was in, take away all his problems , Billy gently grabbed Stu's hand, and examined his hand, it was only a few cuts on his knuckles but other then that it looked fine

Billy brought stus hand to his lips and softly kissed it before looking at stu, who was looking at him with tired eyes

"Do you want to go lay down? Get some rest?" Billy asked , stu shook his head."My room is a mess, I swear I was gonna clean it, but then this happened, I'm sorry," stu said

"It's okay darling, don't worry, I'll clean your room, okay, but you need to get some rest," Billy told him ,"you..don't have to clean my room, I can do it, I just.." stu trailed off

"I know, let's get you to bed, okay?" stu slowly nodded, and Billy helped him up and helped him up the stairs and into stu's room

Billy looked around the room, and it wasn't a mess, but with stu's ocd , it made him think that it was a mess

Billy helped stu into his bed, putting the covers over him, and stu looked at him with pleading eyes, reaching out to him

"Can..can you stay with me?please?" He asked, and Billy nodded . He could get the meditation when stu fell alseep

He kicked off his shoes and took off his jacket before getting the bed with stu, under the blanket and pulling stu close to him , stu wrapped his arms around Billy, he tucked his head under Billy's chin and Billy pressed a kiss to his head , holding him tighter

"It's okay, I'm here, darling, sleep, you'll feel better ,"  Billy whispered,"Will you be here when I wake up?" Stu asked in a quiet voice

"I'll be here when you wake up, darling, I promise ,get some sleep, okay?" Billy said, and he felt stu nodded against him

He softly rubbed stu's back and hum softly, and soon enough, stu fell asleep

Billy didn't want to leave him, but he had to go get his medication , slowly and carefully he untangled himself from stu and got up, grabbing his jacket and shoes before carefully walking out of the room.

He didn't take long to buy the medication and go back to the house . He checked on stu when he arrived and sighed in relief, seeing him still asleep. He went back down and picked up all the pills from the floor before throwing them away

After doing that , he grabbed a glass and filled it halfway with water before heading upstairs and setting it down on the table next to the bed before shaking stu gently

"Stu, wake up, darling," Billy whispered, stu stirred, before slowly opening his eyes

"Billy?" He rubbed his eyes, sitting up."I brought you your pills. You can sleep more after you take them," Billy told him,giving him the pills, stu took them before taking a sip of the water

"Thank you, Billy," stu whispered , his eyes feeling heavy ,"just get some sleep darling,"

"Stay with me," stu mumbled as he closed his eyes as his head hit the pillow
Billy pressed a kiss to head once more. "Of course," he whispered

Billy once again laid down next to stu pulling him close, but this time, he stayed, and he fell asleep holding the love of his life in his arms.

Hoping stu would wake up feeling better, but if he doesn't, then he'll be there for him , he always will no matter what.
1397 words

Hope you enjoy

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