"billy! I'm trying to study !"

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Female stu

Stu macher sat in her room, on her bed, studying for a test. Music softly played in the background. She hummed along to the song.

She glanced up as she heard a noise outside of her window, and she smiled when she saw Billy climbing through her window,

He fixed his clothes before looking around the room, instantly smiling at he spotted stu, "Hey gorgeous ," he walked over, crawling on the bed, on top of her kissing her.

Stu let out a small giggle, kissing back. She soon pulled back, Billy went to kiss her again, but stu blocked her mouth with her hand, and Billy raised eyebrow at her

"I've gotta study," she told him, slightly nudging Billy, who rolled off of her, and laid next to her, and she grabbed her book again.

"You seriously gonna choose studying over having sex with me?" Billy questioned, stu blushed a little, and Billy smirked before sitting up and wrapping his arms around her waist,

He pressed his lips against her neck, leaving a trail of kisses , as his hands went under her shirt, stu let out a small gasp

"Billy! I'm trying to study!" Stu gasped as Billy moved one of his hands downward into her shorts and panties,

She let out a small moan and whimper. She could feel Billy's hard on pressing against her butt.

"So, you want to keep on studying?" Billy whispered, pushing stu on her back, taking off her shorts, and her panties. He spread her legs apart, and he licked his lips before he bent down, putting stu's legs over his shoulder

And stu let out a gasp, grabbing Billy's hair, as he ate her out, she wrapped her legs around his head, pulling him closer , Billy chuckled

Her moans and gasp, exciting Billy even more , stu let out small whimper as Billy pulled away, Billy took off his jeans throwing them somewhere, along with his boxers ,

Billy grabbed Stu's legs, lifting them a bit, "Wait, Billy the co-" stu cut herself as she let out the biggest moan ever, as Billy roughly entered, hitting her spot

Stu wrapped her arms around his neck, gasping, moaning, and whimpering as Billy roughly pounded into her

The room was filled with moans, grunts, whimpers, and gasps, both noises coming from Billy and stu.

"Billy, I'm...I'm gonna cum," stu breathed out and she couldn't hold it back anymore and she came , her hold on Billy tightening as he kept his fast pace

Not a few minutes later, Billy started to slow down, something warmed filling stu, he rested his head on stu's, panting slightly, his hips slowly still moving

"Was this better than studying?" He asked and stu giggled, nodding, "much better,"

"Not that I loved this, but what brought this on?" Stu questioned as Billy finally stopped moving his hips but he was still inside of her

"You were wearing shorts, really small shorts , " Billy whispered,"but um..the real reason was that, I started thinking about you, then I got hard, tried to take care of it but it was you know still up, so I decided to come over and sex with you," Billy told her and stu giggled

"What in the world were you thinking about?" She asked ,"you're body, you're ass, your boobs, and how sexy you looked all naked ," Billy confessed and stu playfully rolled her eyes

"You perv,"Billy chuckled and pulled out, laying besides stu, who cuddled up beside him

"You forgot the condom ," she whispered,"condom? I don't remember anything about condoms," Billy told her, and stu lifted her head , raising an eyebrow at him

"I don't like them, I hate them, " Billy told her and stu giggled ,before bitting her lip ,"well, I gotta take a shower now, you want to join me?" She asked

Billy eyes got full of lust again,"oh I'm definitely joining you,"

Stu squealed as Billy picked her up and took her to the bathroom, letting out a small laugh

Word count - 676

Hope you enjoy

Sorry for the bad smut and the bad grammar and spelling mistakes ,

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