secret relationship

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Requested by _ShadyLady_

Hope you enjoy

Billy loomis and stu macher have been in a secret relationship for almost a year . They haven't told Sidney or Tatum about it, but Sidney and Tatum have some suspicions.

They noticed a few things, like, for instance, Billy and stu would always be whispering or not so serectly holding pinkies under the table.

Tatum noticed some bruises(more like hickeys) on stu, and she knows that she, for one, did not put those there , she would noticed how he would sometimes wince when he would sit or limp a bit.

Sidney noticed hickeys on Billy, and the way he just looks at stu, the way his eyes linger on stus ass, the way he smirks a little when he sees stu limping or wincing.

Sidney and Tatum weren't dumb and noticed things, and Tatum voiced it one day during one of their sleep overs.

"Listen, I think there's something going on with Billy and stu," Tatum said, sitting up and facing Sidney

"I also think that something is going in with Billy and stu," Sidney told her,sitting up and facing her.

"But like what?" Sidney added, " I think they're fucking," Tatum said, Sidney looked at her

"It's pretty obvious, like for instance, the way stu limps or winced, or the hickeys! Like stu has hickeys, Billy has hickeys, I think that's a big sign, "Tatum said

"Billy has been spending more time at stu's house," Sidney noted, with a nod

"You know what else, Billy has way more clothes at stu's house, then I do!" Tatum told her, with a small pout

"We should call them and see what they are up to," she added, grabbing the phone and dialing stu's number

The phone rang and rang until it was picked up

"Hello?" Stu picked up, and he sounded to be out of breath

"Stu! I'm just calling to see what you're up to?" Tatum said, sharing a look with Sidney.

"I'm...uh... just watching a movie," stu replied

"A movie? What kind of movie?" Tatum questioned

"Um..Nightmare on Elm street," stu said "fuck!" He cursed

"Is everything alright?" Tatum asked, sharing another glance with Sidney, who raised her eyebrows

"Gah- uh yeah, everything is fine , just um, spilled my soda," stu replied

"Um, okay, well I let you go and watch your movie....have fun," Tatum said, before hanging up

"Something definitely was happening," Tatum told her, and Sidney nodded in agreement

Tatum and Sidney spent the rest of the night talking.

The next day, the two of them went to school and only spotted Randy. They walked over to him. "Hey Randy, have you seen stu?or Billy?" Sidney asked

"Yeah, they were here a few minutes ago, until Billy dragged stu off somewhere," Randy said, with a shrug , completely unbothered, but Sidney and tatum noticed that Randy seemed to know something

"You know something, don't you?" Tatum asked, crossing her arms "what?no I don't? Haha - oh, look the bell, it's ringing, goodbye," Randy said before rushing off

Tatum and Sidney share a look before walking towards the school . Everyone was going to class, and Sidney and Tatum were left in the hallway

Sidney and Tatum heard a noise coming from the janitor room. They shared another look before going over , Tatum opened the door, and Sidney and Tatum eyes widened, seeing Billy and stu making out

"Oh my -" Tatum started "god" Sidney finished, Billy and stu broke apart , and stu's eyes widened, while Billy looked annoyed

"Tatum, Sidney-" stu started. " What are you two doing here?" Billy finished

Tatum crossed her arms. "It looks like you had fun with your movie," she Sassed

"Tatum -" stu started, " Save it, I knew for a long time that this just confirmed it , you two were fucking last night weren't you?" Tatum said

"They totally were," Sidney said "are you guy not mad?" Stu asked

"Not really, disappointed that you didn't tell us or broke up with us, and disappointed on ourself because you two had sneak behind our backs," Tatum said

"You two could've come to us, we would've understand," Sidney added

"So you understand?" Billy asked and they nodded ," good, now go away and close the door behind you," Billy added before roughly kissing stu again

Tatum and Sidney rolled their eyes "wait!did Randy know before us?" She asked

"" Billy said in between kisses

Sidney closed the door and Tatum and her shared a look , giggling before heading to class.
761 words.

Hope you enjoy

Sorry for the late update !

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