"hey!get the fuck off her!"

903 16 1

Female stu

Billy loomis leaned against his locker, with his arms crossed and a permanent glare on his face.

He watched as stu laughed with her boyfriend George Anderson. George had blonde hair with blue eyes. He was 5, 10, and he looked like a douche.

Billy hated George with burning passion. He didn't know why. He just did, and he hated the way stu was with him, the way she laughed at his stupid and totally not funny jokes , he hated it.

Maybe he hated the fact that stu was happy with another guy that wasn't him, or maybe he just thinks that George isn't the right guy for stu.

Either way, he hated George, and he hated stu's and George relationship.

"If you glare any harder, that glare will become permanent," Randy meeks said, standing besides Billy

"I don't get what she sees in him, he's a fucking douche, " Billy grumbled and Randy chuckled

"And you're her bestfriend, your an asshole, a jerk, a douche, I can go on, "Randy told him and Billy rolled his eyes

"But that's different, " Billy agrued ,and Randy hummed ,"maybe you're just jealous," he said and Billy glared at him

"The fuck you say?" Randy let out a laugh ,"anger issues buddy, thought we worked on them already,"

"You're the reason why I have anger issues," Billy replied , and Randy chuckled,"I hope so, I love making you angry, it makes my day," Billy rolled his eyes

"The fuck you want anways fuckrag? Can't you see I'm busy?" Billy said, looking back at stu and George

"Right,you're stalking, nothing creepy about that. " Randy said, with a small nod,"Anyway, when you're done stalking your best friend and her boyfriend , stu's going to be at Casey's party tonight, and I know you hate those sort of things because you aren't a social butterfly, but I heard something about Casey letting people use the rooms in her house for you know what..." Randy trailed off

"What time does the party start?" Billy asked ,missing the way Randy grinned at him, "seven sharp," Billy nodded

"I'll be there, and say one word about this, and I'll kill you, I know where you live meeks," Billy threatened, pushing himself off the locker as the bell rang.

During the rest of the day, Billy kept an eye on stu, or as Randy calls it, operation stalk stu , which of course earned him a slap in the head.

When it hit seven, Billy was at Casey's house, nursing a beer in his hand , watching stu and George from a distance

"Randy was right. You are being a stalker," Tatum said, coming up to him with Sidney trailing behind her

"I'm not stalking, I'm just keeping an eye on her," Billy replied

"That's called stalking," Tatum said, grabbing a beer , Billy rolled his eyes, drowning the rest of the beer before grabbing another one.

"She seems to be doing okay with him," Sidney told him, standing beside him

"Something feels wrong," Billy mumbled ,"seeing your best friend with someone else always feels wrong," Sidney said, and Billy sighed

"You know, she's not just my best friend," Billy said, and Sidney gave him a small smile ,"I know,"

Billy looked over at stu, but she was gone, and so was George, "where is she?"

"They probably gone to have sex or something," Tatum said, Billy put his beer down and went to go find stu

"Billy, wait," Sidney followed along with Tatum, Billy rushed up the stairs , checking the rooms before he heard it , he barely heard it, but he did

It was a small stop, and Billy wanted to burst into the room, but the door was locked , so he did the logical thing anyone would do, he rammed his shoulder into the door, opening it by force and the scene in front of him made him see red.

Stu was lying on the bed, her shirt was gone, discarded somewhere, leaving her only in her bar and pants, her eyes were a bit foggy and unfocused, which meant she was probably drugged

George was on top of her, and his belt was unbuckled, and his hands were on stu's hips

"Hey! Get the fuck off of her!" Billy yelled, rushing forward, grabbing George by the back of his shirt and throwing him off the bed and into the floor

Tatum and Sidney eyes widen as they ran into the room, seeing Billy beating George to a bloody pulp while stu was unconscious on the bed , Tatum rushed over to stu, grabbing her shirt from the floor while Sidney went over to Billy,

"Billy! Billy stop! You're going to kill him!" Sidney yelled

"He fucking deserves it!"

Sidney grabbed Billy from behind, dragging him away from geroge unconscious body

"Enough! You won't be any good to stu when she wakes up if you're in jail for murder!" Sidney told him, and at the mention of stu, he turned to her, seeing that Tatum put her shirt back on and was holding her while on the phone, probably with 911

His eyes softened, and he walked over, taking stu from Tatum. He held her close to him ,thinking that he should have never taken his eyes off of her. Maybe this wouldn't have happened.

He held her tightly, rocking them back and forth, waiting for the police and ambulance to arrive.
Word count - 905

Hope you enjoy!

Part two will come soon!

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