"Don't leave me"

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Requested by billyloomis362

Billy lay in bed, staring at his ceiling. He had no energy to do anything. He wanted to get up and do something, but he had no energy,

He felt lonely. His mother left him almost two years ago , only a few phones calls and no visits, his father was barely home, and even if he was, Billy wouldn't talk to him, he was pretty pissed at him, the only person he could count on or talk to is stu,

His beautiful, precious kind boyfriend, who was out of town to visit his grandmother,

He knew that stu was visiting his grandmother, but it felt like he was leaving him just like his mother did,

That made him upset and a bit of anger, but as quickly as the anger came, it went away , leaving just the sadness behind,

Billy sighed and ran a hand over his face before he startled by the sound of the phone ringing ,

With a deep sigh, he reached his hand out and grabbed the phone , putting it against his ear. He answered ,"Hello?"

"Hey Billy! " Stu's happy cheery voice came from the other side of the line ,his voice instantly brought the much needed smile on Billy's face

"Hey darling, you at your grandmothers?"

"Yeah, my cheeks are hurting from all the pinching,"

Billy let out a small laugh,

"Are you laughing at my pain?" Stu playfully said

"Yeah, I am,"

Stu let out a small whine

"You're so mean, Billy,"

Billy chuckled,

" I miss you," stu softly told him

"You only been gone for a day,"

"You don't miss me?"

"Of course I miss you, darling, I missed you the second you left,"

"I wish you were here. My grandmother was asking about you,"

Billy hum, "really?"

"Yeah, she wanted to see you. She said that hopefully she'll be able to visit next time ,"

"Yeah, warn me when she does, so I'll be prepared to get my cheeks pinched,"

Stu let out a laugh. It was music to Billy's ears, his laugh so full of love and life ,

"When are you coming back?" Billy asked,

"In a couple of days," stu replied, and Billy let out a sigh

"Are you okay, Billy?" He didn't know why, but the worry in stu's voice made him angry

"I'm fucking fine," he didn't mean to snap at him, he really didn't mean too, he instantly felt guilty

He sat up, running a hand through his hair, "shit I'm sorry stu, I didn't mean to snap at you,"

"I-..it's fine, um I'm sorry I gotta go, my grandmother is calling for me, I'll call you later okay?"

"Okay..I'm sorry stu, I'm really am,"

"It's okay, really Billy it's alright, I love you,"

"Love you too darling," Billy replied before he heard the dail tone, he pulled the phone away from his ear, clenching it tightly in his hand

Before he knew it, he threw it against the wall, breaking the phone, the pieces scattering all over the floor,

"Fuck!" He didn't knew where the sudden burst of energy came from but he stood up and started to throw stuff around, breaking it

Before all the energy left him, and he just slid down against the wall, a sob escaping him,

He curled up into a ball, crying to himself, wishing that someone was there for him, hoping that he didn't drive away the one person that truly cares about him,

He didn't know how long he stayed there for but the sun soon started to come up, he spent the whole night crying, and blankly staring at his wall,

He looked around his room, it was a complete mess, he let out a deep sigh, not wanting to clean his room but he knew that he had too,

As he was about to stand up, he heard a door open and close, confused since his dad wasn't supposed to be home yet, he heard footsteps coming up the stairs before seeing stu stop by the doorframe , looking at his room with wide eyes

"Billy what happened? Are you okay?" Ignoring the mess, stu walked over to him , kneeling in front of him

"What -" Billy cleared his throat, a little sore from shouting and sobbing ,"what are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be at your grandmothers?" Billy asked

"I um.. left after I hung up, I was worried about you," stu told him , cupping Billy's face in his hands

"How did you get back?" Billy asked, bringing his hands up and placing them top of stu's

Stu gave him a sheepish look, "I drove all night," Billy stared at him, and stu slightly avoided eye contact,

"You drove all night? You drove? You don't even have a license yet," Billy told him, and stu looked at him, "I can drive Billy. You taught me, remember? But enough of that, what's wrong, Billy? "

"Nothing," Billy replied, and stu gave him a look, "Babe, you're room is a complete mess, you have tear stains, your eyes red and you sound like you've been screaming or crying for hours, so don't tell me nothing is wrong, I know something is wrong, but I won't push you to tell me okay? Take your time, and I'll be here to listen when you're ready," stu told him ,

The words that stu spoke brought a fresh set of tears , stu didn't think twice before pulling Billy into a hug, rubbing his back as he cried ,

They sat there for aleast five minutes, Billy had stopped crying three minutes ago, he was falling alseep ,

"Hey Billy, let's get into bed, okay? Sleeping hunch over will be bad for your back," stu softly whispered, Billy only nodded, and with the help of stu, Billy was in his bed under the covers , feeling tired,

"Stu," he called out his name, and stu hum in response, "don't leave me," stu gave him a small smile, "I won't billy,"

Stu sat besides Billy until he went to sleep before he stood up and looked around the around, deciding that he should clean up and make something for Billy to eat,

He gave Billy one more glance before starting to clean the room, not making too much noise so he wouldn't wake up Billy,

He didn't mind cleaning Billy's mess or driving all night long just to be with Billy. As long as Billy would have him, he would do anything for him , especially being there when Billy isn't having a great day.
1090 words

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