" i hate being in public alone"

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Requested by billyloomis362

Stu forgot what it felt like to have an anxiety attack. He hadn't had one since he was fourteen , he completely forgot what it felt like.

All of his friends knew that he had anxiety. They knew things that would trigger an anxiety attack, so stu suppose that like him, they forgot , he knew they didn't mean to, but that didn't mean they felt any less guilty.

One of stu's triggers was being alone in public places with a lot of people around. He can handle being alone in a public place with a few people, but not a lot ,

It freaks him out. He doesn't know why. He was an overfriendly nice guy who loves to make friends but can't handle being surrounded alone with a bunch of strangers? It doesn't make sense to him and probably never would.

It happened so suddenly, he wasn't prepared for it.
it was summer break, and it was a nice day outside. The group decided to go to the mall ,

He wore dark grey shorts that reach to his knees, with a dark blue shirt, with red sneakers , a bandana wrapped around his hair, leaving some of his growing hair out from the back and front, (make sense?) , and two little green alien earrings that Billy gave him as a gift,

After he was ready, he headed downstairs as he waited for Billy to arrive since he was picking everyone up, stu lived the farthest from everyone, from Billy,

Randy lived the closest to Billy, than Sidney and Tatum. Stu sometimes wished that he lived closer to Billy, so he wouldn't have to drive a long way just to get him

"Oh, hey billie," stu greeted the small Grey kitten that greeted him when he reached the bottom of the stairs , stu had adopted the kitten a few weeks ago, and since she reminded him of Billy, he named her Billie.

Billy had found it adorable and surprisingly made quick friends with the kitten. He wasn't much of an animal person, but he would say otherwise. Sometimes, he thinks Billy loves the cat more,

"You hungry?" He quietly questioned, bending down and picking up the kitten, holding her in his arms as he walked into the kitchen.

He reached one of his arms out and opened an upper cabinet, grabbing the canned cat food, closing it gently after grabbing it,

He managed to open the cat food with one hand before bending down and putting it on the plate before settling Billie in front of it, and she started to eat ,

He stood up and walked over to the fridge, grabbing the milk before pouring it into a cup before putting the milk back in the fridge , before going back to Billie and pouring the milk in another round plate,

He gently stroked her fur as she continued to eat , "I'm only be gone for a few hours, I'll be back before you know it, alright? And I'll even see if Billy can stay for a while, okay? " stu whispered

He smiled before startling as he heard a honk from outside . He peaked his head up, looking out the window, and saw Billy getting out of his car. He spotted Tatum, Sidney, and Randy in the back with the windows rolled down ,

He looks back at Billie with a soft smile," Billy's here, I gotta go, I'll see you when I get home okay, don't make a mess okay, I left you favorite toys out and-" stu cut himself as he heard knocking on his door

"I love you, and I'll see you when I get back," stu quickly said before getting up and quickly walking over to the front door ,

He unlocked it and opened it, and Billy stood there with a smile and a loving look in his eyes , stu always thought that Billy looked really handsome when he smiles, always telling him that he should smile more,

billy loomis x stu macher one-shots|| book threeWhere stories live. Discover now