" i learned sign language for you,"

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Female stu
Billy loomis groaned as his alarm clock blared loudly, interrupting his sleep. He reached his hand out, grabbing it, "willam loomis! If you throw that alarm clock one more time, it is coming out of your allowance!" His mother Nancy loomis shouted from downstairs

Billy put the alarm clock and shut it off ,"and get your butt up! Or you're going to be late for your first day of school!" She added

Billy groaned before he rolled out of bed, falling into the floor and just laying there, not wanting to get up at all

"You only have 30 minutes!" Nancy shouted, and he groaned before getting up, and he started to get ready.

It was Billy's first day at a new school. Him and his family had just moved to woodsboro , Billy absolutely hated moving, and worse, he hated changing to new schools.

Billy stomped down the stairs after he was ready. He was wearing a white T-shirt with blue jeans and dark brown boots and a necklace around his neck.

"Need me to drive you to school?" Nancy questioned, Billy shook his head, grabbing his helmet, "What's the use of you and dad buying me a motorcycle if you are just going to keep offering to give me a ride to school, I'm taking the bike, " Billy told her, grabbing his school bag

"Okay, well, you look handsome, and with that bike, you'll get all the girls looking at you . Hey, maybe you'll even get a girlfriend," Nancy told him

"Maybe, but then how long do we have together until you and dad decide that we need to move again? " Billy replied, grabbing his keys

Nancy sighed, following Billy into the garage ,"Just drive safe, okay?"

"Always mom," Billy said, turning on his motorcycle , putting on his helmet as Nancy opened the garage door

Nancy gave Billy a small wave before he took off, "I'm really sorry, Billy," she whispered before closing the garage and walking back inside
As predicted, everyone who was outside of the school looked over at Billy, who parked his motorcycle next to a small buggy car.

Ignoring everyone, Billy took off his helmet and got off his back before fixing his hair and started his walk to the school , ignoring the whispers and the looks he got.

As Billy entered the school, he was greeted by a brown hair boy with a friendly smile

"You must be willam loomis, right? I'm Randy meeks, and welcome to woodsboro High, I'll be your tour guide for the day. If you have any questions, just ask me,I know everything," Randy told him

"It's billy," Billy mumbled before walking past Randy,who quickly catches up to him, walking beside him

"Not a very social guy, yeah, I get that, and Billy it is," Randy said, Billy glanced at him before stopping ,"Alright,fine, can you show me where my locker is?" Randy grinned

"Yep! Absolutely, let me see....uh-huh,..well, it looks like you're locker neighbors with stu. Come on, I know where her locker is," Randy said, starting to walk away, and Billy followed

As they were walking to Billy's locker, Randy was telling Billy who was who in the school, and Billy only nodded

"And that's Tatum riley. Her older brother is the deputy in this town she's  the co- captain of the cheerleading squad. Besides, her is Sidney Prescott , her girlfriend,and she's in book club," Randy told him, and Billy nodded before he saw the most beautiful girl he's ever seen

He nudged Randy with his elbow, "who is that?" Randy looked over to see who Billy was talking about, and he smirked

"That my friend is stuart 'stu." Macher, the vice president of the cinema club and my best friend, " Randy told him

"But there's something you should know, stu is deaf, she can't hear or talk, we communicate with sign language, do you know sign language?" Randy told him

"No, I don't, but I can learn. Come on, introduce me to her," Billy said ,"I'm I going to be your wing man?" Randy asked as they walked towards stu

"For the time being, yeah you are," Billy replied, as Randy tapped stu's shoulder, getting her attention

She turned around, and Billy melted at the sight of her smile. It was so beautiful,

"Stu, this is Billy loomis. He is new at this school," Randy said while signing with his hands  , Billy gave her a small wave, chuckling nervously

Randy gave him a look, and Billy felt his cheeks heating up . He's never been this nervous before. It was weird, but at the same time, it felt great

"He's is also your locker neighbor," Randy added , Randy watched closely as stu quickly signed with her hands , her beautiful smile never leaving

Randy chuckled and turned his head to look at Billy, "she says, welcome to woodsboro High, and that she hopes that you didn't find the tour guide handsome," as if sensing he said the wrong thing, stu frantically waved her hands gaining their attention

She took out a notebook and quickly wrote something before turning the book to face Billy, and Billy read it

"I hope you didn't find the tour guide annoying. He could be at times," it was she wrote

Billy chuckled, shaking his head ,"Hey! You know I'm right here, right?" Randy signed , stu nodded

Soon, the bell rang ,"the bell rang, head to class, we'll be there soon," Randy signed and stu nodded, closing her locker, smiling at Randy and stu, giving them a small wave before walking away

"Teach me sign language," Billy blurted out, and Randy turned to him ,"Oh my god, you have a crush on stu, I knew it!"

Billy blushed, clicking his tongue,"Just teach me sign language,"

"Only if you ask nicely," Randy teased, and Billy rolled his eyes ,"would you please teach me sign language ?" Randy grinned and nodded

"Yeah, sure, can I be your best man at the wedding?"
Every day, Billy was learning sign language thanks to Randy , and Billy was surprised at how fast he learned everything.

So, on a Monday morning, he woke up early and got dressed before rushing out of his room and down the stairs

"Where's the fire?" His father hank loomis questioned with a slight chuckle

"I'm on a misson," Billy replied as he quickly left the house

Billy had quickly arrived at school, ignoring everyone as usual. He smiled as he spotted stu with Tatum and Sidney

He jogged over and tapped stu shoulder, getting her attention, stu brightly smiled at him

"Hi," he signed ,and stu Smile somehow gotten even bigger ,"hi," she signed back

"You know sign language?" She signed, and Billy nodded ,"I learned sign language for you," he signed

"Aww! That is so cute and sweet," Tatum said, and Billy ignored her ,"I have a very important question to ask you," he signed and stu nodded

"Do you like chocolate?" Stu let out a laugh, and Billy smiled ,"Yes, I do, I love chocolate ,"she signed

Billy grinned before pulling out a chocolate bar from his bag and handing it to stu, Sidney and Tatum giggled in the back, whispering to each other, finding it cute

"Thank you, Billy," stu signed , a blush coating her cheeks , Billy giggling. He actually giggled

"Oh my god, that was cute!" Billy cheeks turned even redder, and he nervously rubbed the back of his head

Stu offered him some chocolate, and he smiled ,

"Thank you, stu,"
Word count - 1263

Hope you enjoy

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