From a distance - one shot

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Inspired by the book I'm currently writing, it is called

From a distance || Scream CHAD MEEKS MARTIN

Hope you enjoy
Female stu

Billy loomis was the first one to hold his daughter after she was born. He only held her for a couple of seconds before handing her to stu. Stu, who had to endure hours of labor , who had to give birth in a house full of killers.

"She's beautiful," stu whispered, smiling down at her daughter, "are you guys going to name her?" Hannibal questioned

Billy and stu shared a look before shaking their heads, "we can't," stu told him

"If we name her....then we won't be able to let her go," Billy said, looking down at his daughter with a sad but yet loving look.

"Right. You are giving her up," Hannibal said before he stood up and walked out of the room, leaving the couple to themselves.

Tears escape from stu's eyes as she watches her daughter slowly open her eyes , a small gasp leaving her ,"Billy , she had both our color eyes," stu told him, and Billy looked at his daughter,

His daughter eyes met his, and she let out a small noise before her tiny arm reached out towards him.

Stu smiled at him," she wants you," Billy carefully grabbed his daughter, sitting beside stu,

His daughter reached out and grabbed his finger in her tiny hands , Billy blinked the tears away, holding back a sob , it was going to be harder than he thought.

Billy and stu held their daughter for a couple more minutes before Billy and stu walked out of the room, ignoring everyone else as they walked out, towards a car and getting inside

Stu held her daughter, feeding her as Billy started to drive. His grip on the steering wheel was tight.

The two of them spent hours in the road, and before they arrived at their destination, woodsboro orphanage

"I'll take her," stu sniffled and handed Billy their daughter. He got out of the car, walking over to the entrance of the orphanage. It was late at night, so everyone was alseep.

Billy put the basket down before putting his daughter in it, she seemed to have woken up, and was now reaching out for him, his eyes welled up in tears, placing a small teddy bear next to her, before taking off his necklace and putting it by her feet , his daughters eyes seemed to be welling up with tears as well, as if she knew what was coming

"I love you so much, sweetie. Daddy and Mommy are so sorry, " Billy whispered before he knocked on the door and rushed off.
That night, they left their baby at the orphanage, but they couldn't just leave her without making sure that she was okay.

So, they watched her grow up from a distance.

They watched her get into fights, get hurt, make friends, get left behind by her so-called friends , and watch as she got made fun of for being tall , Billy wanted to murder all those kids but stu stopped him, saying something about sending chucky to kill the kids.

They watched as she was left disappointed as couples left, never adopting her

Billy and stu couldn't leave woodsboro, so they stayed in hiding, keeping an eye on their daughter, both of them wanting nothing more but to hold their daughter and protect her from the cruel world but both of them had to protect her from themselves.

But nothing was ever that easy, was it?
Word count - 595

Hope you enjoy

billy loomis x stu macher one-shots|| book threeWhere stories live. Discover now