The case of the missing teddy bear [part one]

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Billy was completely freaking out. His whole room was a complete mess,

He woke up in the morning completely fine, until he noticed that it was missing, he searched his room but he couldn't find it, he started to freak out, and completely destroyed his room, clothes were all over the place, drawers were facing down, his lamp was somewhere in his room,

He didn't know how he could lose it? He had it right on the shelf. He had it last night. He swear to God that he did ,

"Billy!?" He heard his name being called, but he ignored it as he continued to search his room,

"Bill- what the hell!? What is wrong with you?" It was Randy, Billy turned to look at him, with a small glare

"Help me find it," Billy demanded, and Randy looked at him confused,"Help find what? I don't think you can find anything in this kind of mess," Randy told him

Billy took a deep breath so he wouldn't snap at Randy ," my teddy bear, help me find my teddy bear," Billy told him

Randy stared at him for a few seconds before he burst out laughing, Billy glared at him, "stop fucking laughing, this is serious!" Billy snapped

Randy laugh quiet down but he was still laughing ,"what?..I didn't even know you had a teddy bear, ..why..oh God this is so funny,"

Billy rolled his eyes, "I called you hear to help me, not fucking laugh at me, so shut the fuck up and help me find my teddy bear!"

Randy chuckled but walked into his room, "so what does this teddy bear of yours look like?"

"He's a brown bear, with a missing ear, two button eyes , with an overall that says my bestfriend in the whole world," Billy explained

"I didn't know your a teddy bear guy," Randy said, Billy let out a deep sigh ,"I don't like teddy bears expect for this one,this one is very special, and Jesus I can't believe I fucking lost it,"

Randy suddenly felt bad for laughing at him, Billy was just freaking out because he lost something special to him

"I'm sorry for laughing," Randy told him, Billy sighed, and sat down in his messed up bed , running a hand through his hair

"Who..gave it too?they must be really special if you freak out like this over a gift," Randy said

Billy glanced at him, "stu..stu gave it to me when we were kids, the day he told me that I was his bestfriend, his bestfriend in the whole world, and I kept it safe until...I fucking lost it," Billy explained

Randy nodded,"Okay, was there anyone else other than you yesterday in your room?"

Billy's eyes widen in realization as he stood up from up from his bed, "shit! Sidney! She was in my room yesterday for a stupid project we had to work on together. She was the only one here, she took it," Billy told him

"Now, wait a minute , we can't be so sure- wait! Where are you going!?" Randy shouted, rushing after Billy, who bolted out of his room

"I'm just gonna have a talk with Sidney that all," Billy replied," a talk!? Do you mean you're just gonna go over there and accuse her of taking your teddy bear?" Randy asked, getting into Billy's car before he drove off

"It's not accusing if it's true," Billy told him , "at least slow down, dude! You're breaking the law!," Randy said

Billy rolled his eyes but slowed down at a bit ,"Okay, what if she did take the bear? " Randy asked

"I'll ask her why, and that's all,..don't look at me like that, I might be crazy but I'm not that crazy," Billy replied , as he stopped the car in front of Sidneys house

Before Randy could reply, Billy was already out of the car and heading towards the house

"Okay, here we go," Randy mumbled to himself, getting out of the car and walking towards the house

Billy was impatiently banging on the door with his fist, as Randy came up to stand beside him

"Dude! Stop that," Randy said, Billy glanced at him, banging even louder, and Randy rolled his eyes

The door was swung open, and Billy almost hit Sidney in the face but managed to stop his hand before he could

Before Sidney could open her mouth to speak , Billy was already speaking ,"Where is it?"

Sidney looked between Randy and Billy with a confused look on her face,"where is what?"

"Don't act dumb, I know you took it," Billy told her

Randy rolled his eyes and smiled at Sidney," Ignore his rudeness, you see..did you take Billy's teddy bear?" Randy asked

Sidney blinked before realization came over her ,"Yes, I did, I thought you wouldn't mind Billy." Sidney told him

Billy took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down ,"where is it?" He asked as calmly as he could

"In the washing machine," Sidney replied, and Billy eye's widen before he pushed past Sidney

"What?Billy, you can't just enter people houses like that!" Randy shouted after him

"Shut up," Billy snapped, going into the laundry room, and that's when he saw it, his teddy bear, the most precious thing that he ever owned, sitting there soaking wet , the world's on it's overall gone,

It felt like his whole just shattered, the one thing that mattered to him, was destroyed,

He gently picked it up, his hands getting wet by the soaked bear, but he didn't care. He stared at it in complete sadness,

"Billy?" He looked up at Sidney and Randy before he walked past them without a word

"What just happened?" Sidney asked,looking at Randy,

"I think you just broke Billy," Randy replied with a sad sigh before rushing to catch up with Billy,

He was worried about him, he's never seen Billy like that before, and it scared him.
1004 words

Hope you all enjoy

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