It is not your fault

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Warning- angst ,mention of rape ,shame ,self-blame ,self-harm, death ,murder

Billy had instantly noticed that stu was clearly avoiding him ,it started a couple day's ago and billy was getting tired of being ignored by stu

Billy had went to stu's house before but he locked his window and his bedroom door and wouldn't even open them when billy demanded that he opened them ,billy was pretty pissed off about the whole thing but he was worried underneath all that anger

This time stu didn't go to school and stu wouldn't know if billy went either ,he didn't, he arrived at stu's house ,unlocking the front door with the key stu gave him

He quietly closed the door behind him ,peaking into the living room and kicthen ,it was empty

Billy slowly and quietly went upstairs noticing that stu's door was slightly ajar,he pushed the door open and walked into stu's room

Everything was neat expect for the bed which was a complete mess ,billy turned towards the bathroom door as it opened and a shock and surprised stu stood their

He looked like a mess , he was pale and his eye's were dark and looked like he hadn't slept in a while but that wasn't what concern billy

What concern him was that stu was holding a hand with a towel over his wrist ,stu made a mistake of using a white towel because billy could clearly see it turning red and quickly

"Shit" billy cursed and rushed over to him "the fuck did you do!" He grabbed stu's hand removing it from his wrist along with the towel

Billy glared at the offending cuts on stu's wrist and he looked up at stu and his eye's soften ,seeing how terrified stu looked

"Do you have a med kit?" Stu slowly nodded "where?"Billy softly asked leading stu to his bed and gently making him seat down

"Kicthen,under the sink" stu replied and billy nodded "stay here,I'll be right back" billy said before he quickly rushed downstairs going into the kicthen and grabbing the med kit before rushing back upstairs

Billy kneeled infront of stu and started to tale care of his wrist ,after wrapping it an a bandage ,billy sat besides stu and gently made stu look at him

"Why would you do this darling?" Billy asked as tears start to stream down stu's face

"Because I hate myself " it was so quiet but billy heard it and his heart broke "why?"is all billy could manage out

Stu let out a small sniffle "if I tell'll hate me too" stu said and billy stared at him for a few seconds before speaking

"I could never hate you , yeah I may get mad at you and yell sometimes but I could never hate you " billy told him and stu started to sob and billy pulled him into a hug

"It..was my fault!If I didn't dress the way I did...he wouldn' was my fault " stu cried out "stu...tell me what happened " billy demanded

"He told me..that I look so pretty everyday, I thought he was my friend" billy gripped on stu got tighter

"Who is he?" Billy asked "I told him no, I tried to fight him but he caught me off guard,I..can still feel him ,no matter how many showers I take " stu said

Billy glared at the wall "did..he rape you?" He hated asking that but he needed to know

"It was my fault" billy pulled back and cupped stu's face in his hand's
"Listen to me ,it is not your fault,you are not to blame ,the person to blame is that bastard up did this to you " billy told stu

"But-" stu started but was cut off by billy "no, it is not your fault,it wasn't your fault " billy said

"Clark" stu said "what?" Stu sniffled "it was Clark "Billy's eye's darken ,he never liked Clark,he was one of those kid's who never gets in trouble and always has good grades, he was always trying to correct billy on his behavior and billy would always threaten him and glare at him every chance he got

"Billy?" Billy look stu in the eye's and stu's eye's widen a bit ,Billy's eye's had this scary and dangerous glint in them ,a look stu never seen in Billy's eye's before

"What..are you thinking about?" Stu asked and billy smirked at him "murder"

Stu didn't stop billy when he decided that he was gonna murder Clark that night but he couldn't go with him because he couldn't see Clark after what happened and billy was more then okay with that

He didn't want stu near that bastard anyways ,he made sure that stu was okay before telling him to get some rest ,tucking him in bed giving him a small kiss before leaving to murder Clark

It took him half an hour to arrive at Clark house and noticed one of the top floor windows open

He grinned to himself before climbing up the side of the house and climbing through the open window ,guess luck was on his side today

The open window lead to Clark's room ,and that bastard was sleeping peacefully while his darling has to suffer

He walked over and pressed the knife to Clark's neck who stirred awake feeling something  cold on his neck, his eye's widen and billy covered his mouth with his hand

"Shhh,we don't want you waking up your family " billy said glaring at him "you must be wondering..why the hell I'm here holding a knife to your neck?well, you raped stu and thought that I wouldn't find out?you made him think it was his fault, made him blame himself..and hurt himself " billy said

"You hurt I'm gonna kill you" he added before sliding the knife across his neck ,billy watched the blood spill out and Clark struggle before he stilled

Billy backed up before climbing back out the window and closing it before walking away from the house

It took it a half an hour to arrive back at stu's house ,he entered stu's room and saw him sleeping ,billy let out a small smile before walking into the bathroom and washing the blood that got on him

He walked out of the bathroom once he was finished before removing his jeans and grabbing a pair of sweatpants and putting them on before removing his shirt and throwing it somewhere in the room

He got on the bed under the covers and wrapped his arm's around stu pulling him closer

Tomorrow he'll will deal with everything,right now he'll just hold stu promising to himself that he would never let anyone hurt stu ever again
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billy loomis x stu macher one-shots|| book threeWhere stories live. Discover now