"He was just at the doorstep this morning,"

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Female stu

Billy loomis walked up to stu's Machers house, jogging up the stairs, raising his fist to knock on the door, but he shortly stopped hearing a baby crying

Confused, Billy loudly knocked on the door, "the door is open!" Stu's voice rang out

Billy seriously needs to have a talk with stu about keeping her door lock. Anyone could just walk in if she keeps leaving her door open.

Billy twisted the knob , opened the door, and walked inside, closing the door behind him

The crying got louder , and Billy followed the crying towards the living room, stopping shortly as he saw stu walking around with a baby in her arms, trying to calm them down

"Um..doll, what's with the baby? Where did it come from? And why do you have it?" Billy questioned and stu turned to him with a slightly tired smile

"Oh hi, honey, um..this is my nephew Vince, and um...he was just at the doorstep this morning," she told him

"Leslie left a note. She said that, um..she can't take care of him and that mom and dad would have better luck raising him, but Billy, my mom and dad haven't been home in almost a year , and I don't think they're ever coming back," stu told him

"And..and I don't know what to do, I don't know how to take care of a baby, I don't know how to make him stop, I fed him, I changed him, I burped him, I did everything I could think of, but nothings working," stu added, tears gathering in her eyes

Billy rushed forward," Hey, Hey doll, it's going to be okay, here, let me ," stu sniffled and gently passed him, Vince ,and Billy gently held Vince, rocking him slowly

Vince had instantly calmed down and stu let out a small laugh, and she smiled ,"it looks like he really likes you,"

Billy looked up at her and smiled ,"I guess so. Are you okay, doll?" Billy asked, and stu shook her head

"I don't know what I'm going to do with him, Billy. I can't give him up for adoption, but I can't take him on my own, I can barely take care of myself, I'm a mess, " she told him, taking a seat on the couch

Billy looked down at Vince, seeing him sleeping peacefully, his heart instantly warming up at the sight . He looked at stu

"I'll help you, I'll help you raise him," Billy told her, and she looked at him in surpise before shaking her head,"I can't let you do that, Billy, "

"I want to, I want to help, I just met the kid, but if anything happens to him, I'll kill everyone and then I'll kill myself," Billy said and stu let out a small chuckle

"It could also be practice... you know, so we'll be ready for when we have our own kids," Billy shyly told her

"You want to have kids with me?" Stu asked, and Billy nodded ,"Yeah. Like a lot of them," stu giggled, and Billy chuckled before sitting down next to her, and she rested her on his shoulder, looking down at Vince

"Do you think we could do this? Raise a baby together? We're still in high school," stu whispered

Billy pressed a kiss to her head, "we could do this, I know we will, and Vince would have the best life he could ask for," Billy told her

"Billy...this is it, our last moments as teenagers, and our first moments as parents, you can back out now because you won't be able to later," she told him

"I'm here for the long haul," he told her ,"I love you," he added

"And I love you," stu gave him a quick kiss on his lips before resting her head on his shoulder again

"You know... we should definitely prank the others,tell them that we had a baby and kept it hidden from them, " Billy suddenly said and stu hum before a chuckle escaped her

"They'll freak,"she said, grinning ,"we're definitely doing that," Billy chuckled

"Yeah, let's do it later, "

"I bet Randy will pass out,"

"Oh, he most definitely will. Why do you think I thought of that prank?"
Word count - 717

Hope you enjoy

Hello! For those who love Randy x mickey, I made a one-shot book about them

It's called Randy meeks x mickey altieri One-shots ,

billy loomis x stu macher one-shots|| book threeWhere stories live. Discover now