The mafia boss and his undercover CI

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Part three!
Smut warning!
Aftercare at the ending!

Stu stared at Billy with wide eyes, his cheeks burning, and his body started to feel hot by how close Billy was.

"I wanted you the first time I saw you, God your so beautiful, I can't believe you're a virgin, I would've thought someone would have taken it, but I guess I'm very lucky," Billy whispered, taking the computer from stu's hands and settling it on the desk before caging stu against the wall

"I get to take your virginity," he added before kissing stu, stu instantly relaxed and kissed Billy back.

"Bill- ah," stu gasped as Billy started to leave a trail of kisses on his neck, grabbing his hips.

"Billy...Billy wait," Billy pulled back and looked at stu concerned, "want me to stop?" Stu shook his head

"Will...will it hurt?" Stu quietly questioned , "mabye, but I'll make sure it won't hurt ," Billy told him before kissing him again, stu kissed back

As they were making out, Billy moved towards the bed , stu pulled back panting a bit as he fell on the bed, Billy getting on top of him, lifting up his shirt, kissing and leaving marks on his stomach.

Stu could feel Billy's hard on against his thighs. He slowly trailed his hand down, and Billy looked at him before stu put his hand in Billy's pants, and Billy let out a moan

"Shit, fuck," he cursed ,"do you want me to stop?" Stu asked and Billy shook his head ,"fuck no, but I'm taking my pants off," Billy mumbled, quickly taking his pants off along with his briefs

Stu's eyes widen at how huge Billy was, Billy chuckled,"don't worry, it'll fit," he whispered before kissing stu again as stu started to move his hand, making Billy groan and moan,

Billy somehow managed to take stu's clothes off, leaving him bare, Billy grabbed both of stu's hands and holding them,

Billy eyes seemed to darken as he looked at stu's body "You're perfect," Billy told him

Billy stood up for a second, removing his shirt and grabbing something from the drawer and coming back, "it's gonna feel a bit cold," Billy warned him, before stu felt something at his hole and he started to squirm, before he felt something move inside him

"I'm just stretching you," Billy told him, moving his finger in and out before adding a second one and stu moaned and whimpered at the feeling

"M-more," stu whimpered, moving his hips to thrust against Billy's fingers ,

"Okay," Billy removed his fingers before he lined himself up at stu's entrance, grabbing stu's hands, interlocking them with his, stu gripped his hands tightly as Billy pushed himself in.

Stu felt tears gathering in his eyes due to the pain and pleasure, " gentle," stu whispered

Billy kissed the tears away, " I promise," Soon he was fully in and he started to move, slowly in and out, and stu moaned and gasped , and Billy took it all, he loved the sounds stu was making,

They lasted in an hour before they both finished , Billy wanted to go for a second round, he wasn't tired and he was still horny but stu looked tired, it was his first time after all.

"I like it," stu whispered, and Billy smiled ,"I'm glad you did,"

"Billy?" Billy hummed in acknowledgment,"can..are..we.." stu trailed off

"I love you, stu, I want us to be together, and I want us to do this again," Billy told him, "I never been in a relationship before, I don't know what to do," stu told him

"You'll know," Billy said, and stu smiled at him ,"Okay," Billy smiled before kissing stu, who giggled, and God Billy could get used to that sound

"Come on, let's get ourselves clean up,"

Billy had helped stu take a bath, getting themselves cleaned before getting them clean and comfy clothes.

"Billy," stu said his name after a while of silence, and Billy hummed, making stu continue," What about the police?"

Billy looked at him ,"I actually have a plan about that. It's a very simple plan, but it also involves you. You play a big part of it," Billy told him

"Tell me,"
Word count - 712

Hope you enjoy

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