Halloween scare

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There is one thing that stu macher loves to do on Halloween and that is scaring people and this year he has picked his target

His target was billy loomis ,his bestfriend and loving boyfriend

Stu was currently getting ready to scare billy when he heard a knock on his door ,confused since he wasn't expecting anyone ,he walked over to the door and open it

Randy meeks stood on his porch with a camera in hand ,stu raised an eyebrow "What's up with the camera?"

Randy pushed stu to the side and walked inside "heard you were gonna scare billy this year" he said

"How did you find out?" Stu asked closing the door and looking at randy

"Tatum" randy told him "did you annoy her just for her to tell you?" Stu asked and randy nodded

"Yep,so when are you gonna scare billy?Halloween is almost over " randy said "I was getting ready to when you came "stu told him

"How are you gonna scare him?" Randy asked "gonna dress up as Ghost and jump scare him " stu replied

"What made you choose billy as your target this year?"Randy questioned "what are you?20 questions? For you information,it's payback for trying to make me jealous as he flirts with other people " stu told him

"So,it's simple revenge right?" Randy said and stu nodded "yeah "

"Great, I'm so getting this on camera " randy said smirking and stu rolled his eye's but grinned

"Alright go get set up, Billy's gonna be here any minute now" stu said and randy nodded

Soon enough randy was ready and the camera was set up , stu turned off all the lights in the house and got into his costume and hiding place

Billy arrived at stu's house and was confused on why all the lights were off ,did stu forget that he was coming over?

Billy walked up the steps and knocked the door but after a minute no one came ,he tried the doorknob and was surprised to find the door unlocked

Confused billy opened the door and walked in "stu?you here?" He called out closing the door behind him

No response, he was slightly annoyed now ,he called stu a couple hour's ago telling him that he was gonna come over

Sighing billy turned on the lights and walked into the kicthen turning on the light and going over to the fridge

Might as well just steal some food waiting for his boyfriend to show up to his own house

As billy was scanning through the thing's in the fridge,A door was opening behind him

Deciding on just ordering some pizza when stu gets Here, he closed the fridge and turned around

"Boo!"Billy jumped back in fright ,"Jesus fuck!"He yelled

Stu laughed holding his stomach as he did and randy came out laughing as well

"Oh man ,that was hilarious!and I've got it all on film!" Randy said high fiving stu

Billy glared at randy and stu who was still dressed as a ghost "the fuck was that for!?"

Stu laughed softly taking off the ghost costume "you were stu's victim this year" randy answered

"Thought you promised that you wouldn't prank me" billy said raising an eyebrow at him and stu shrugged

"Payback for making me jealous " stu told him sticking out his tongue at him

Billy softly glared at him before turning towards randy and glaring at him "destroy that " he demanded

"Oh,no,nope this is golden,I'm not destroying this baby" randy said with the shake of his head

"I have captured the Billy loomis getting scared " randy said "I did not get scared" billy said

"Oh yeah?well I have a vidoe that proves otherwise "randy told him "yeah sorry babe,we got all on tape and we are not destroying it" stu said with a shake of his head and determined look on his face

Billy glared at both of them taking a step forward,making them take a step back

"Shit,should we run?" Randy whispered to stu who nodded "yep" he said

Soon enough billy was chasing randy and stu throughout the house as they kept throwing each other The camera

"Come on babe,just give up ,you're never gonna get the camera "stu taunted

Billy glared at him before coming up with an idea

"Stu, I don't feel so good, I think something is wrong" billy said sitting down on the last step of the stairs

Stu smile disappeared and he looked at billy with worry "billy?you okay?" Stu asked as he rushed down the stairs and kneeling down besides billy

"Totally fine,thanks for the camera " billy said taking the camera from stu who looked at him with wide eye's

"You...asshole!" Stu punched him on the shoulder "ow!" Billy said rubbing his arm where stu punch him

"I'm sorry okay!stop punching me!" Billy said and stu huff "I was worried about you , that was a dick move" stu said

" I know and I'm sorry" billy said "You let him have the camera!?" Randy asked walking over "he tricked me" stu complained

"Aaand the vidoe is destroyed " billy said throwing randy his camera back
"We did all that for nothing" randy said

"All this running made me hungry" billy said "You can starve" stu replied

"But baby I said I was sorry" billy said and stu huff crossing his arm's "I don't care"

"But you can't let me starve" billy said "and why not?" Stu questioned "because you love me too much to let me starve" billy told him and stu sigh

"That's true,fine I'll order some pizza" stu said "You have a weak heart stu" randy told him with a shake of his head

"Just for billy" stu replied kissing Billy's cheek before getting up and walking over to the phone

"And you are so in love" randy told billy as he started recording him "of course I am, now stop recording me " billy said

"No can do,gotta get something for film class " randy said taking a step back as billy stood up and took a menacingly step towards him

"Hey babe, do you want crazy bread as well!?" Stu asked

"Yeah!" Billy replied before grinning at randy

"Stu!help me!" Randy yelled

"Can't I'm on the phone!"


"Billy try killing him quieter!"

"I'll try!"

"Yes hello, I would like to order a large-"
1077 word's

Requested by FreddyKruegeez

billy loomis x stu macher one-shots|| book threeWhere stories live. Discover now