" we take care of each other"

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Requested by billyloomis362

Smut in the first half!
Aftercare the second!

Hope you enjoy

Stu let out a small whimper as Billy left a trail of kisses down his neck as he thrusted in and out of him, gripping his hands tightly in his ,

They were just gonna have a movie night together until Billy started to touch stu, all over, and now they were having sex ,

Stu let out a gasp and a moan as Billy started to go faster, "b..billy,"

Billy kissed his jaw, "You're so perfect, darling,"

Billy whispered, sweet, nothings to him as he pounded into him, stu felt tears gathering in his eyes, as the pleasure was too much,

The sounds of moans and grunts, along with skin slapping against each other, filled the room,

Stu didn't know how long they were having sex for, but he felt tired, and he knew Billy was getting tired as well, as his thrust started to slow down and were a bit sloppy ,

Billy rested his head against stu's looking at him, as he slowed his thrust, stu felt something warm filling inside of him,and he knew that Billy had just cummed inside of him , stu had cum before Billy a while ago,

Billy panted a bit before slowly pulling out and lied next to him,

"I.. I thought we were just gonna watch a movie," stu said, Billy chuckled, "This was better than watching a movie,"

Stu hum, bring his hand up and rubbing his eyes tiredly, Billy noticed, sitting up a bit and looking down at stu, "you okay?"

Stu nodded, "just tired," he just wanted to close his eyes and sleep, "Let's get you clean up, I don't want you sleeping like this," Billy said ,

"I'm tired, I'll shower when I wake up," stu mumbled ,"it'll be fast, I promise you darling,then we'll sleep, okay?" Billy said, as he stood up, walking over to stu's side,

"Carry me?" Stu gave him the puppy eyes, and Billy couldn't help but melt at that,"Yeah, I'll carry you," stu tiredly smiled.

Billy carried stu into the bathroom before sitting him down at the edge of the bathtub, turning on the water , "I'll get use some clothes,"

Billy had quickly gotten them some clothes, settling them on top of the sink as he walked back into the bathroom, turning off the water as the tub was halfway filled ,

Stu was leaning against Billy, who gently cleaned him, "What are you doing?" Billy quietly questioned ,"washing your hair," stu replied as he softly ran his hands through Billy's hair ,

Billy wouldn't admit it, but he likes it. It felt nice ,and if he leaned into it, well, stu never told him anything,

It didn't take long before both of them were out of the water and getting dressed,

Stu finished getting dressed first. He was wearing grey sweatpants with a grey sleeve shirt , Billy only had black shorts on, and his hair was dripping wet , the water slipping down his chest and back,

Stu grabbed a towel and started to dry Billy's hair, and Billy just stared at him ,gently grabbing stu's wrist,

"I'm supposed to be taking care of you," stu gave him a small smile, "we take care of each other Billy, that's how this relationship works,"

Billy hum, "I can finish drying my own hair," stu stared at him for a few seconds before nodding , kissing his cheek before walking out of the bathroom,

As Billy was drying his hair, stu changed the sheets. He put them in the laundry room before heading back upstairs, seeing Billy already fixing the bed ,

"Are you cold?" Billy asked, after seeing stu grabbing a hoodie and putting it on, " a little,"

Stu grabbed his pillow and settled it down on the bed Before dropping himself down on the bed, Billy let out a small chuckle , lying down next to stu, pulling the covers over the both of them ,

Stu turned on his side, facing Billy before scooting closer and resting his head on Billy's chest, throwing an arm over his stomach, throwing a leg over his,

Billy looks down at stu, noticing that his eyes were closed, and his breathing was evening out, he let out a small smile, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to stu's head, before resting his chin ontop of his head, wrapping his arms around him, closing his own eyes,

739 words

Hope you enjoy

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