Babysitting Vince macher

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Billy loomis, in fact, hated Vince Macher. Every time that little brat was around, he never got to spend time with stu. He's always taking stu's attention away from him. 

It was annoying, and Billy hated that brat. The other thing was that he would always kick Billy when stu wasn't looking , Billy seriously wanted to murder that kid.

Currently, it was the weekend, and Billy wanted to spend his weekend with stu. He didn't expect that little demon brat to open the door when he knocked.

Vince smirked at him, while Billy glared down at him ,"What the fuck are you doing here?" Billy asked, not caring if he cursed at a kid.

"My mom dropped me off this morning, I'm staying with Uncle stu all weekend," Vince smugly told him

Billy wanted to wrap his hands around that little shits neck and - no, he can't think that. This is stu's nephew he's thinking about murdering ,

"Where's stu?" Billy asked ,"in the kitchen, making me breakfast," Vince replied, Billy rolled his eyes and pushed Vince out of the way and walked inside

He walked into the kitchen, seeing stu cooking. He smiled and wrapped his arms around stu, kissing his neck, and stu giggled ,"Hi Billy,"

"Hi, doll," it was his only moment of peace before Vince was complaining

"Uncle stu! This chair is too high! I can't get up," he loudly said, and Billy forced himself not to curse at the kid.

"Coming, Vince," stu removed himself from Billy's arms before going over to help Vince,

Billy caught Vince's eyes, and he smirked at him, and Billy glared at him , raising his middle finger at him

Throughout the whole day, Vince kept annoying Billy and kept taking stu away from him. It irritated the hell out of him.

Finally after a long day, stu put Vince to sleep and the two of them sat in the living room, watching a movie before they started to make out , being quiet so they wouldn't wake Vince up

"Uncle stu!" The two of them pulled away, Billy let out a small groan ,throwing his back a bit, silently cursing

Stu helped Vince up on the couch,"What's the matter?" Stu asked , "I can't sleep," Vince replied ,"Can I watch the movie with you guys?"

"Sure, buddy," stu looked over at Billy, who forced a smile ,"Sure, why not," Vince looked at him and smirked

Soon enough, the three of them were watching the movie that was playing, stu had fallen asleep a few minutes later,his head resting on Billy's shoulder, and Billy leaned his head on stu's, bringing an arm up and pulling him close

Vince looked at them before he lifted his leg and started to kick Billy, Billy glared at him, "Stop it," he mouthed to him, but Vince only smirked and kept kicking Billy

Stu stirred awake, slowly opening his eyes, before seeing Vince kicking Billy, and Billy trying to stop him while silently threatening him.

"Vince, stop it," stu spoke up, catching Vince leg before he could kick Billy again,

Vince looked at stu with wide eyes ,and Billy smirked at him , "it's not what it looks like!" Vince quickly said

"Uh-huh, looks like you keep kicking my boyfriend even though he keeps telling you to stop," stu said

"He's been a brat all day," Billy spoke up, stu turned to look at him ,"why didn't you say anything sooner?"

"He's five, I handled it," Billy replied with a shrug

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