"Remembering the day i met you"

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Requested by youronehornybitch
Part two of "I like your piercings "

Billy stared at stu as he was sleeping, his lips Slightly parted, snoring softly, one arm under him while the other was stretched out over Billy's stomach,

As Billy stared at stu, he started to remember the day he met him. It was the best day of his life.
Billy loomis glared down at the list in his hand. His mother had sent him to do the grocery shopping , her exact words were

"If you're eating all the food I pay for, the least you could is shop for it once in a while,"

Billy has only been shopping for a minute, but he hated it already. With a deep sigh , he pushed the cart and started shopping

Billy officially hated shopping. Everything was so confusing, and it irritated the hell out of him

"Seriously who the fuck invents this kinds of shit," he grumbled to himself looking at the different kinds of coffees

"Some people can't stand regular coffee, so they buy decaf, " Billy turned to his left as he swore that he stopped breathing

Standing beside was the most gorgeous person he ever seen, he looked like an angel , and Billy looked like he was struck by cupid

"W-" Billy cleared his throat, "what?" The guy giggled and Billy melted,

"So, which one do you prefer? Decaf or regular coffee?" He asked

"Regular," Billy replied, "but my mom buys a different coffee, I just don't know which one. There's too many, and it's annoying ," Billy added

"I'm stu macher by the way," the guy introduced himself, "Billy, Billy loomis," Billy introduced himself

"Wait, your mother isn't Nancy loomis, is it?" Stu asked, and Billy nodded his head and stu smiled before reaching his hand up and grabbing

"Folgers classic roast, I see her buying it all the time," stu told him ,"she says it's her favorite," he added

"Thanks. You know my mother?" Billy asked as he put the coffee in the cart

"Uh-huh, she helps me buy groceries sometimes, " stu replied

"You're parents forced you too?" Billy questioned and stu slightly frown, chuckling

"I wish. My parents are never home, I do my own grocery shopping every week, usually on the weekends," stu said

"Oh, sorry," Billy said and stu shrugged ,"it's alright... Do you need any more help?I can help you," stu offered

"Would you please? I'm literally dying here," he said, and stu giggled nodding ,"yeah,"

Billy smiled and gave stu the list, watching him before following him.......
"What are you smiling about?" Snapped out of his thoughts, Billy saw stu rubbing his eyes, letting out a small yawn

"Remembering the day I met you ," Billy replied and stu chuckled, "I remember that as I the day the great Billy loomis was defeated by grocery shopping," Billy let out a small laugh

"Grocery shopping is hard," Billy told him, and stu giggled, snuggling closer to him, resting his head on Billy's chest

"Yeah, well, you have me now, so you won't have to worry about it anymore," stu told him, and Billy smiled, looking down at him,

"I still don't know the different coffees,"Billy confessed, and stu laughed , "You're so weird," he said

" I'm your weirdo," Billy said, and stu nodded ,"Yeah, you are," stu leaned up and pressed a kiss to Billy's lips. Billy instantly kissed back

"I love you, Billy loomis," Billy grinned ,"and I love you, stu macher,"
Word count - 582

Hope you enjoy

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