" I'm...afraid,"

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Scolionophobia is the extreme fear of school - an anxiety disorder in children who have an irrational persistent fear of going to school.

Stu used to love going to school when he was little , he didn't know what changed , he was okay going to middle school but when he was starting high-school, well it terrified him, he didn't want to go ,

Even thinking about high school gives him anxiety and nightmares , and he hates it.

When he tried telling his parents that he didn't want to go to school, they refused to let him stay home, insisted on him going to school , he told him that he was scared but they didn't care at all, and the forced him to go to school,

They even drove him to school, so here he was standing in front of the high-school entrance, his hands shaking , his heart beat rapidly, beating against his rib cage,

He took a deep breath before taking a step forward . Once he was inside the school, he felt like he couldn't breathe,

But he took a deep breath and walked further into the school .He was proud of himself for making it to first-class

He sat down next to Billy, who turned to look at him with a soft smile ,"Hey," he greeted

Stu nervously smiled back,"h-hi," he cursed himself for stuttering, but he couldn't help it. He was scared , and it was making him nervous,

"You okay?you seem jittery?" Billy questioned, stu nodded, "I'm fine, completely fine," stu told him, clearly lying

The first bell rang, and stu couldn't help but flinch. He started to feel his hands go clammy , his breathing was starting to go uneven,

He closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down, but nothing was working. He needed to get out of there ,

He glanced at Billy,"Um.. I'm gonna go to the bathroom," he quickly said before he stood up and rushed out of the classrooms ,

His hands were shaking so bad, and his vision started to blur with unshed tears ,

He was hyperventilating. It felt like he was underwater, the second bell rang, and it sounded muffled to him,

He made it to the bathroom, unknowing to him that Billy had followed him after seeing that stu rushed out of the classroom, leaving all his stuff behind ,

Being the concerned boyfriend that he is, he quickly followed stu, ignoring the calls of the teacher that just entered ,

He saw stu going into the bathroom, but Billy could clearly see that something was wrong with him ,

The moment Billy entered the bathroom, he knew something was wrong with stu. He was hyperventilating, his hands were badly shaking ,

Billy had never seen him like this before, and it scared him, but he didn't have time to be scared. He needed to help stu,

He carefully walked over to him and softly called out his name ,"stu,"

Stu turned to look at him, "b-..billy?" He struggled out, Billy nodded, reaching out and grabbing stu's shaking hands, holding them gently but tightly ,

"Hey, hey, breath with me, " Billy told him,  shaking his head , stu said ,"i..I can't,"

"Yes, yes you can, just breathe with me, just feel the beat of my heart, okay?" Billy put one of stu's hands over his heart,

"Just like that okay, breath," Billy told him, seeing stu taking deep breaths, trying to calm himself

Soon, stu's breathing started to even out, but his hands were still shaking. He sniffled ,

"Mind telling me what happened?" Billy questioned, "panic attack,...I have them when I'm... when I'm afraid , " stu whispered

"What are you afraid of?" Billy asked, "school,..I don't know why, but I'm so scared of it, I didn't want to come today, but my parents forced me to, " stu told him

Billy stared at him for a couple of seconds before he silently cursed, "Why didn't you tell me sooner?come on, let's get out of here, okay?" Before stu could reply, Billy was already dragging him out of the bathroom and out of the school

"Billy..billy wait," stu said, Billy paused and looked back at stu, "i.. I can't go back to my house, my parents.. they will know," stu told him ,

"That's okay, we'll go to my house, okay?" Billy told him, "You.. you don't have to ditch school on your first day because of me," stu told him

"I want to. You're way more important than school,come on ," Billy said, and soon enough, the two of them were in Billy's car, Billy driving them to his house , sparing a few glances at stu while he drove ,

"I'm okay, Billy, " stu quietly told him ,"are you sure? Do you have trouble breathing?" Billy asked

"I'm alright, Billy, I'm just a bit tired, that's all," stu replied , with a small smile

"Okay..you tell me if you feel sick, okay? Or if you're gonna have another panic attack," stu nodded,

Soon Billy arrived at his house, and the both of them went inside of his house, Billy went to the kitchen to get stu a glass of water, while stu went into the living room,

He sat down on the couch, and Billy came handing him the glass of water ,"Thank you, Billy,"stu replied,taking a sip of the water,

"Do you want a movie?" Billy questioned." stu looked at him with puppy eyes, "Can..can we cuddle?" Billy smiled,

"Of course," stu smiled , "so.. Night of the living dead? Or Stephen King it?" Billy asked

"Can we watch Night of the Living Dead?"Billy nodded and soon put the movie on .He soon joined stu on the couch ,

Stu snuggled up to him as Billy put a blanket around them, pulling stu closer, stu wrapped his arms around Billy, resting his head on his shoulder, "Thank you," he whispered

"You don't have to thank me, I'm here for you always," Billy whispered back, pressing a kiss to stu's head.
1004 words

Hope you enjoy!

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