"don't fuck with my kids!" [part two]

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Part two!
Hope you enjoy

Billy managed to dogde whoever was behind him, the fell on top of Richie accidentally stabbing him in the shoulder

"Fuck!" Billy stood up and kicked the other Ghostface, pulling the knife out from Richie who screamed in pain

"You don't know who your messing with," Billy told them ,"just a stupid Sheriff!" Richie replied with a chuckle

Billy let out a laugh ,shaking his head ,"No. You made the mistake of trying to kill the ogrinal ghostface daughter, you made the mistake of fucking with the ogrinal. " Billy told them

"No...that isn't possible,"Richie said ,"oh but it is, you see, they never found out who the ogrinal ghostface killers were, because unlike the others they didn't show themselves," Billy said

Realization seemed to have come across richies face before he paled ,"Oh shit,"

Billy nodded ,"Oh shit indeed,"

The other Ghostface stood up ,"Don't! He'll kill us!" Richie said , the other Ghostface took off their mask , revealing Amber, Jesse bestfriend

"So what if he was the ogrinal ghostface?we're faster and stronger than him," Amber said," can kill him," she added

"Ever heard of the fucking rules! You don't fuck with an ogrinal it never ends well!" Richie told her

Billy looked between Richie and Amber, "Oh, I'm going to kill you anyways," he told them

"You decided to try and kill my kid, my daughter, my baby girl, you see I don't take to kindly to people who hurt my kids," Billy told them

He turned to Amber, a dangerous look on his face and it scared Amber, she took a step back

"Jesse trusted you , I trusted you and you tried to kill her, you almost killed her," Billy slowly walked towards her, as Amber kept walking back in fright

"I didn't..I didn't want to kill her! It was all richies idea! I'm just a minor!" Amber weakly defended herself

Amber's back hit the wall, and Billy slammed his hand next to her head, making her flinch

"I. Don't. Give. A .shit," Billy slowly said before stabbing Amber over and over again,

Amber gasped and sobbed but Billy could care less, she slid down the wall, leaving a blood trail and Billy knew it was going to be a bitch to clean up.

He heard pained groans from behind him, and he turned and saw richie trying to stand up

Billy walked over and kicked him, sending him back falling into the floor, "Please, I didn't know, I didn't know," Richie said

"I don't care," Billy knelt beside him and started to stab him over and over again

"Dad?" Billy stopped stabbing and looked up, seeing Amara standing there with wide eyes

"Amara..listen, I know this -" Billy was cut off by Amara, "You got to shoot them in head, or else they'll come back ," she told him, handing him his gun

"I uh had to listen to Mindy and Jesse rant about these stupid rules all the time, so I know you got to shoot them in the head or else they won't die," Amara told him and Billy nodded

He turned and aimed at Amber, pulling the trigger and shooting her in the head before turning and aiming at Richie, who was choking on his own blood, Billy pulled the trigger, shooting him in the head.

"How are we going to explain this?" Amara questioned ,"I'll come up with something, I am the Sheriff after all," Billy replied
Billy had come up with a story that Richie and Amber were attacking his kids, and Amara had called him, and he rushed over to the house just in time, killing Amber and Richie.

After making sure his kids were safe at the meeks house , he went back to the hospital.

Billy walked into his daughter hospital room, softly closing the door behind him ,"they're dead," he told stu

"It was Richie and Amber," he added ,"I always hated Amber," stu said, and Billy chuckled, coming to stand beside his daughter, reaching out and caressing the side of her face

"She'll be okay. The doctors said that everything seemed to be going okay and that she would be fine ," stu told him

"Did they say when she will wake up?" Billy asked ,"in a couple of days at most , maybe a few weeks,"

Stu stood up and walked over to Billy. As Billy let out a sob, stu pulled him into his embrace, holding him once again as he cried, tears streamed down stu's face ,rubbing Billy's back in a comforting manner.

"I want her to wake up already," Billy cried out, "I know, honey, I know,"
Word count - 781

Hope you enjoy

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