"I don't control the fucking weather"

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Female stu

Stu shivered a bit as the wind blew. It was a nice day, but the wind made it feel chilly.

She sat beside Tatum by the water fountain, a sandwich in hand, and a can of soda next to her.

She glanced over at her soda, picking it up and taking a sip, putting it down before she felt something drape over her.

Confused, she looked down at her shoulders, seeing a blue denim jacket.

"Don't make a big deal out of it," she looked over at Billy, who sat back down stealing some of Randy's watermelon slices.

Stu smiled,"thank you, Billy," Tatum smirked, seeing the little blush on Billy's cheeks

"Well, I'm cold too," Billy glanced at her,"don't look at me, I don't control the fucking weather,"

"Why is he only nice to stu?" Sidney sensed that Tatum was teasing Billy, decided to join

"Because he likes her," Billy glared at both girls who giggled

"Shut up!"
Word count - 165

Hope you enjoy.

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