The ghost of you [ part three]

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Part three of the ghost of you
Hope you enjoy

Stu sat by the window, staring outside, watching as kids ran around playing. They were so happy ,

"You should turn in that portrait," stu mumbled, Billy sighed from where he was sitting on the couch

"I'm not turning it in," Billy told him in a voice that held no room for argument

Stu turned around and faced him, "Don't you want the person who killed me to get caught?"

"I don't want you to go," Billy told him, and stu closed his eyes, taking a deep breath

"Billy...I'm already dead, you can't keep on living like this...I can't," stu told him, opening his eyes again. His once blue eyes were now grey and dull.

"You and the others almost got caught, Billy it could've been the killer. You guys were lucky it was just dewey and that Gale had distracted him, " stu said , messing with his fingers

"I'm not turning in that portrait!" Billy suddenly yelled, banging his fist on the table, stu flinched a little, and Billy sighed

"I- I'm sorry, okay, I just...I can't lose you again," Billy told him, his eyes watering , the tears clouding his vision

"But you deserve to move on, Billy, you deserve to be happy," stu told him, coming to sit in front of him, grabbing his hands in his ,

Billy leaned forward, resting his forehead against stu's, as tears slid down his face

"I can't.. I just can't, I can't be happy without you. you're my whole world, stu," Billy whispered and stu sadly smiled at him

"I know, honey, I know," stu whispered, Billy let out a sob ,"please don't make me do it, I don't want to, I want you, I want you," Billy cried

Tears slid down stu's pale face. He brought Billy into a hug, rubbing his back

"I can't do it, stu. I just can't, I'm sorry," Billy told him, pulling away and standing up, wiping his tears

"Billy, please, i...I need to move on Billy, I'm not ready and I think that I'll never will be but Billy...I feel weird," stu told him, standing up and facing Billy

"I saw my own eyes yesterday. They're not blue anymore, and my skin, it's pale Billy, it way paler than it was before, and I know you noticed it too, I can't stay here any longer," stu said in a pleading tone

"You'll be okay, I know you will, " Billy told him, ignoring what he just said, and stu stared at him, feeling defeated

Stu let out a small whimper, and Billy rushed over to him, but stu took a step back, and Billy looked at him, full of hurt and sadness

Stu let out a sob before retreating to a corner and hugging his knees to his chest, rocking himself back and forth crying.

Billy clenched his fist, and he went to the kitchen, pacing . He clenched his eyes shut and placed his hands over his ears, covering them , before he sat on the floor, trying to block out stu's cries, as he cried himself.

Soon enough, stu had stopped crying, and Billy moved to the living room, sitting next to him.

Billy stared blankly at the wall. He reached his hand out and placed it on top of stu's hand, stu sniffled, lifting his head, and looking at Billy

"Please," he sounded so desperate, and Billy clenched his hand, Billy took a deep breath,

"I'm sorry," he whispered, and a new fresh of tears streamed down stu's face

"I'm sorry," Billy repeated

"I'm sorry, I can't,"
Word count - 608

Hope you enjoy!

Part four will come soon!

Question! Do you guys want stu to move on? Or do you want him to stay?

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