The Cheerleader outfit [part one]

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Tatum walked over to stu with a determined look on her face , "stu!"she called out his name . He turned away from his locker and looked at Tatum

He smiled at her ," Hey tat," she smiled at him ," I need your help with something," she told him

He innocently looked at her, with his bright blue eyes shining with curiosity ,"With what?" He asked

"Well, come on, it's better if I show you," Tatum said, gesturing for stu to follow her, stu closed his locker and followed after Tatum

"Um, tat, this is the girls' locker room, I can't go in there," stu told her, standing outside of the girls' locker room

Tatum rolled her eyes, "you're gay, nobody cares, come on," she grabbed his arm and dragged him inside

He closed his eyes ,"why are your eyes closed?" Tatum asked ," because it's the girls' locker room," stu replied

"We're all decent. You can open your eyes," Casey told him, stu slowly opened his eyes and saw the whole cheer squad standing around the locker room

He looked at them confused, "What's going on? What do you need my help with?" He asked

"We want you to join the cheer squad," Casey said , stu blinked once , then twice, "why?" He asked

"Because we need another , and you seemed to be the perfect fit, you have the enthusiasm, you're optimistic, you have the energy of a golden retriever, and also you're hot and sexy, the uniform will fit you perfectly," Casey told him

Stu looked at the girls, and they all gave him their best puppy eyes, and stu couldn't say no

He sighed, "Okay, I'll join," stu said, and the girls cheered. "Okay, let's get you into your uniform," Tatum said

"I have to wear it now?" Stu asked, and Tatum nodded ,"all day," she told him

Stu let himself get dragged into a stall, and he started to change

"Did the uniform fit?" Tatum asked ,"Uh, is the shirt supposed to be a crop top, and why the skirt so small?" Stu asked

Tatum chuckled ,"That's how the uniform is, we ordered it like that, now come on , we wanna see," Tatum said

Stu sighs before walking out of the stall, with a blush on his cheeks

Tatum eyes went wide, the cheer crop top fit perfectly, the skirt covered half his thighs , and with his slightly long hair, he looked perfect and she knew that nobody would be able to take their eyes off of him.

"When did you get a belly button pierce?" Casey asked ,"Oh um.. two weeks ago, I think, do you like it? "Stu asked , smiling

"Love it," Casey said , stu let out a small giggle, and all the girls melted at the sound, If stu wasn't gay, they would all probably fight over him.

"You know... I kinda like this, "stu admitted,"it suits you," Tatum told him

Stu smiled as the bell rang ,"Did we just miss one of our classes?" Stu asked

"Yeah, but it was totally worth it," Casey said, "well, we shouldn't miss this one,"stu said. "I need to keep my grades up," he added

"By that, you mean Billy's and Randy grades since they copy off of you," Tatum said

"Well, I do want them to graduate, tried to get them to study, but the books somehow ended up on fire, and that didn't end well," stu said

"Well, we have cheer practice later today, right after school, so meet us outside on the field," Casey said, and stu nodded , grabbing his bag

"See ya girls later,"stu said, sending them a small wave before rushing out of the lockeroom

"Well, a lot of boys are going to have a lot of problems," Casey said, making the girls giggle

Stu walked through the hallway, unaware of the stares everyone was giving him.

Stu saw Billy by his locker, throwing his books aggressively into his locker.

"Hey Billy, you alright? You seem pretty mad," stu said, coming to stand beside him

"I'm fi-" Billy cut himself off as he turned to look at stu. He took in what stu was wearing

"Wh-" Billy cleared his throat, "What are you wearing?" He asked

"My cheer outfit," stu excitedly told him ," I joined the cheer sqaud," he added

"The skirt is too small, and you're showing too much skin," Billy told him ,"that's how the skirt is Billy, and his outfit is perfect," Tatum said, coming up to them

"It's too small, what if..what if he bends over and it lifts up," Billy said, "what? Do you want him to wear a nun skirt?" Tatum sarcastically said, with an eye roll

"I rather him not wear a skirt at all," Billy grumbled , stu frown , his excited expression falling

Billy noticed, and he started to feel guilty, "stu listen, i didn't mean anything - " Billy started but stu cut him off

"It's fine, Billy. I um gotta get to class," stu forced a smile before walking off

Tatum glared at Billy," Why did you have to be such a jerk?" She shook her head and walked away

Billy sighed and slammed his head against the lockers, slamming his locker shut

870 words.

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