The Roadtrip to Disneyland [part one]

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Soft music played as Gale drove, and she hummed to herself. Dewey sat in the passenger side, drumming his fingers against his legs.

Sidney and Tatum sat in the middle seats while Billy, stu, and Randy sat in the back.

They were taking a road trip to Disneyland. The teens wanted to go, but their parents (tatums, Sidneys, and Randy's) had said they needed adults with them.

So, Tatum had begged dewey to take them, and then stu joined and gave him the puppy eyes and dewey couldn't say no,to Tatums and stu's puppy eyes

Gale heard about it and decided to come along since she had never been to Disneyland before.

So here they were, driving to Disneyland. Currently, Tatum and Sidney were chatting away, while Randy was reading a comic book. Billy had his head thrown back, an arm stretched out on stu's shoulders , stu was resting his head on Billy shoulder asleep.

Dewey glanced at Gale before he reached his hand out towards the radio, only to get his hand slapped away

"Hey," dewey rubbed his hand, looking at Gale , "what?" Gale asked, glancing at him before looking back at the road.

"You just slapped my hand," dewey told her, "you were gonna change the music," Gale told him

"Yeah, because it's classical music, you literally put Billy and stu to sleep with it," dewey told her

"I'm awake, planning Randy's murder in my mind," Billy replied ,"you put stu to sleep," dewey corrected

"Extacly, I learned from experience that classical music puts him to sleep. You do not want to deal with a teenager who has ADHD in a 12-hour drive ," Gale told him

"You know what else puts him to sleep? Rock music," dewey told her , once again reaching for the radio, but Gale slapped his hand again

"Driver picks the music, and shotgun shuts his cakehole," Gale said , dewey put his hands up in a surrender gesture,"Alright,I'll leave the radio alone," he mumbled

"How did you learn that classical music puts him to sleep?" Dewey questioned, and Gale smiled

"Well, he was over at my house for a school assignment, and I put on classical music as I was cooking us lunch, but then I found him asleep , and when I turned off the music, he was awake again, so I just kept it on," Gale told him

"How about you?how did you find out rock music puts him to sleep?" Gale questioned

"Oh, Tatum told me he was staying the night at our house , and she put on the music, and I asked her why, and she explained it to me," dewey told her

Gale hummed before she glanced at the review mirror ,"Wait a minute...did I hear that you were planning Randy's murder in your mind?" Gale questioned

Billy chuckled ,"Yep, thought of five different ways already,"

Randy lifted his head and looked at Billy with a surprise look ,"Just five? Usually, you think up about twenty ," Randy said

"We still have 8 hours left, " Billy told him with a smirk, "have you thought about killing him when we stop at the gas station?" Tatum suggested

"Yep," Billy said with a nod , Gale rolled her eyes ,"Kids, no planning Randy's murder. You guys do know we're going to Disneyland, not Crystal Lake?" Gale told them

"Have you thought about drowning him in gasoline?" Stu yawn, sitting up straight, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm right here," Randy complained before he got a bright idea , "Hey, stu, want some candy?"

"No!" Everyone else in the car yelled ,"Alright, jeez," he mumbled with a small grin

"We're running low on gas. Is there a gas station up ahead?" Gale asked

"Yeah, just a few miles ahead," dewey told her, looking at the map

Soon, Gale stopped at the gas station, and all the teens got out to use the bathroom.

Randy walked over to stu, "Hey, here you go," Randy handed him a piece of candy

"But everyone said -" Randy cut off stu ,"I asked dewey, and he said," You can have one," Randy lied to him

Stu smiled before unwrapping the candy before throwing it in his mouth

"What did you just eat?" Sidney questioned, coming up to them with a raised eyebrow

"Chocolate candy," stu replied ,"You're not supposed to have candy," Sidney told him

"But Randy said that he asked dewey, and he said yes," stu told her, and Sidney turned to look at Randy, who was slowly backing up.

"Did...did I do something bad?" Stu questioned, and Sidney shook her head ,"Not you, honey, Randy, on the other hand, did," Sidney said, giving Randy a glare

"What did Randy do this time?" Billy questioned, coming up to them, wrapping an around stu's waist.

"He gave stu chocolate and told him that dewey said that he could have it," Sidney told him.

"Babe, can you run around just for a few minutes? I'll join you in a second," stu nodded before he started to run, and Billy turned to Randy, cracking his fist

"Let's see who can run faster," Randy's eyes widened before he started to run, and Billy chased after him

"Uh, what's going on?" Gale questioned, "Randy gave stu chocolate, stu's running his energy out, and Billy's trying to kill Randy," Sidney explained

"That means we have a couple of more minutes left," dewey said ,"we could shop, buy something to eat for later, and drinks," Gale said with a nod

"Boys, we'll be inside! Try not to kill Randy Billy,"

"I'll try not to! But I make no promises,"
Word count - 938

Part two will come soon!

Hope you enjoy

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