trick or treating with stu , billy and Micheal

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It's Halloween! One-shot

"Come on, guys!" Stu pulled on Billy loomis arm and Michael myers arm, dragging them through the side walk full of trick or treaters.

"Doll, slow down," Billy grumbled, pulling his arm out of stu's hand, and stu slowed down, turning to face Michael and Billy

"Sorry, I just had too much sugar .How about I leave you two here, and I'll go get more candy?" Stu told them, and before Billy could reply, stu had run off

Michael started to walk , trying to catch up with stu, Billy sighed and started to follow them , looking around for stu, but it seemed like he disappeared ,

"What the fuck are you looking at? Get lost," Billy growled out, scaring the six year Olds that were staring at him and Michael

The kids ran off scared, and Billy chuckled . He was dressed in his costume , and nobody could see who he was, and he loved scaring kids . It was hilarious.

Billy scanned the crowd, narrowing his eyes as he couldn't find stu,

"Where did he go?" Billy thought, worry slightly creeping up on him

Billy looked over when he heard a group of kids screaming and running away. He started to make his way over

"Hey! Get the hell off of me! I'm only warning you once," stu's voice rang out, and Billy quickened his pace, practically running ,

The sight in front of him made him take out his knife , stu's mask was off, and their was this guy ontop of him, while two other guys held him down, and stu was struggling with them

"Hey! Get the fuck off him!" Billy shouted, using the voice changer, making his voice ten times scarier , the guys looked at him and stu smiled at him, quickly using the opportunity to escape the guys and running over to Billy and Michael who just arrived

Stu pouted, "they made me drop all my candy," he said

Billy turned to him, "are you okay?" He asked and stu nodded ,"uh-huh, besides the fact I lost all my candy," stu told him

Billy looked back at the guys, Titling his head to the side ,"I'm going to kill all of you now," he told them before he ran at them

Stu laughed and clapped his hands, "whoo! Go honey!" He cheered, putting his mask back on. Before someone saw them , Michael grunted and walked past stu and went to Billy, helping him, as stu hummed and collected his candy

Stu watched Billy, and Michael brutally killed the guys, enjoying his candy . Soon, the guys were dead , and Billy walked over to stu

"Let's go home, yeah?" Stu nodded," Yeah, let's go bother the shit out of chucky," stu said, starting to walk away, but Billy grabbed his hand

"Stay with me, okay?" Stu nodded, swinging their hands back and forth , doing a little March, and Billy shook his head chuckling

"We're on way to bother chucky. We're on our way to bother chucky. We're on our way to bother chucky," stu chanted

"We're on our way to bother chucky!"
Word count - 519

Hope you enjoy

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