" I hate my body"

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Trans stu

Stu laid in his bed ,his eyes closed as he felt another cramp , stu was on his period, and he hated it. He always hated it because it made him feel like a girl and didn't want to feel like a girl.

He let out a small whine as he felt another cramp, he turn on his side and clutched his stomach , tears spilling down his cheeks and into his pillow, his pillow absorbing the tears

He let out a small sob as the pain increased , feeling the blood leaking out of him, it disgusted him, it was like it was taunting him, making him remember that he really wasn't a boy at all, that no matter what he does, he will always be a girl, he sobbed into his pillow, the pillow muffled his sobs.
Billy looked up at the side of stu's house. He skipped second period when he realized that stu didn't come to school . He got worried and wanted to check on stu.

Billy let out a small sigh, thinking that he should really ask stu for a copy of his key or he could just take the key and make a copy of it without stu ever knowing about it , nope, the first sounds way better and less creepy.

He shook his head, already looking like a creep for standing at the side of stus house. he let out another small sigh before climbing the side of the house towards the open window that just happens to be stu's room.

As he neared the window, he heard muffled sobs, confused and concerned. He climbed a bit faster, and once arriving at the window, he peaked his head inside . What he saw made his heart ache

Stu was lying on his bed, crying his poor heart out, Billy climbed the rest of the way through the window, almost tripping, but he managed to catch himself.

Stu must've heard him because he lifted his head, and the sight of him made Billy heart ache even more, wanting to hold and protect him from the whole world , never wanting to see him hurt.

Stu sniffled, his eyes puffy and red, his mouth dry , "Billy? What..what are you doing here?" He sniffled,wiping his eyes with the back of his hand

"Aren't..aren't you supposed to be at school?" He quietly asked , Billy walked over to him and sat beside him, reaching out and using his thumb, wiping those tears that were still spilling out of his eyes.

Ignoring his questions for now, Billy asked, "Why are you crying?" His voice was soft and caring that it made stu let out another sob, instantly Billy pulled him into his embrace, rubbing his back whispering reassuring words to him.

Billy held stu for two minutes before stu pulled back , a pained look on his face, and a whimper left him ,"What's wrong?" Billy asked, cupping his face , looking at with a concern look

"It...it leaked through, it's too much," stu told him, and Billy gave him a confused look before following stu's gaze, removing one hand from stus face. He removed the blanket that covered stu's lower half of his body

Stu Grey sweatpants were stained with red, as well as the sheets, "Oh baby, it's okay, we'll get you clean up, and get clean sheets okay," Billy told him

"It..it's hurts , my tummy hurts billy," stu whimpered out, and Billy just wished that he could take all of stu's pain away

"It's gonna be okay, darling ," Billy whispered ,"can you walk?" He added and stu shook his head, "it hurts too much," Billy nodded

"Okay, do you want to take a bath?" Billy questioned , stu slowly nodded, and Billy stood up ,"I'm gonna run the bath and I'll be right back, okay I'll just be a couple of seconds," Billy told him and stu only nodded

Billy rushed into the bathroom and ran a bath before walking out, rushing over to stu once he saw that he was trying to stand up

"Hey,hey, careful," Billy said, holding his hands out, ready to catch stu if he fell

"I'm...I'm okay," stu whimpered out, Billy did not believe him at all, "Can I carry you? " Billy questioned, and stu look up at him

"You'll get -" Billy cut stu off," I don't mind carrying you, " Billy told him, and before stu could protest, he was lifted up bride style by Billy

Billy carried him to the bathroom and turned off the water once the tub was halfway full.

He turned to look at stu, who was standing by the side of the tub ,"Do you want help?" Stu shook his head

"I uh..I can do this by myself, thank you Billy," stu told him, and Billy nodded ,"Okay, yell if you need anything, I'll be right outside, okay?" Stu nodded

"There's...um..extra sheets in the closet," stu said, and Billy nodded before walking out of the bathroom closing the door behind him, taking a deep breath wanting to go inside and just help stu , but stu has been insecure about his body for a very long time , and he won't even let Billy see him.

Billy was fine with that, he can wait until stu was comfortable and ready.

Stu didn't take long in the bathroom. He soon came out and saw that Billy had already changed the sheets, but he wasn't in the room.

Stu frowns, a shiver going through his body . It was chilly outside, and due to the window being open , he slowly walked over to his drawer, opening it and grabbing a hoodie,

Stu was tugging on the hoodie when Billy walked back into the room, his arm's full of stuff

"Are you cold?shit I forgot to close the window, I'm sorry, darling," Billy told him, dumping the stuff on the bed and rushing over to the window, closing it

"It's okay Billy, what's all this stuff?" Stu asked ,gesturing to the stuff Billy dumped on the bed

"Oh, just some things that might help you get better , I got you a heating pad, I heard from Tatum that it works for cramps, and I heard from Sidney that you like during you know, so I got you chocolate," Billy told him

Stu eyes welled up with tears, and Billy noticed and rushed over to him, cupping his face in his hands

"What's wrong? Are you in pain?" Billy asked, and stu shook his head, "I really love you, Billy, I'm so grateful to have you as my boyfriend, I don't know how I got so lucky," stu told him , Billy smiled

"I love you too, darling,I'm the lucky one," Billy told him, pressing a small kiss to his lips before telling him, "Let's lay you down, and get your tummy feeling better," Billy said and stu nodded

Soon enough, stu found himself lying on his bed, with a heating pad on his stomach , with Billy half sitting, half lying next to him , with his arms crossed watching the TV, the movie Nightmare on Elm Street currently playing

Stu scooted a bit closer and leaned his head on Billy's side, Billy glanced down at him ,"You're a very comfortable pillow," stu mumbled out , Billy let out a small chuckle before he fixed himself so he was lying on the bed and stu's head was resting on his chest, and wrapping an arm around him pulling him closer

He pressed a small kiss to stus head before resting his head on top of stu's," I love you, and I'll be here when you're ready to talk," Billy whispered

"I love you too. Thank you for being patient with me," stu whispered back

1296 words.

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