" welcome to act three"

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When the killings had started, it didn't take long for stu to figure out that it was Billy that was behind all the murders.

He didn't tell Billy that he knew that he was the one behind all the killings because he was afraid of making him mad.

Instead, he decided to secretly help him .He was a little nervous about his first kill, but then he got the hang of it, and he liked it.

Billy was confused . As far as he knows, he only killed a few people, but the media has been giving him credit for killing that he didn't even commit.

Currently, Billy was with his friends by the fountain ,eating lunch.

"So, what are you guys doing tonight?" Tatum questioned, looking at her friends

"Sleep," Randy answered "homework," Sidney added. "He's probably gonna watch a movie," Billy said, with a small shrug

"How about you, stu?" Tatum asked, looking at stu."Huh?" He asked , Tatum rolled her eyes."What are you gonna do tonight?"She asked again.

"Oh, I have a date tonight," stu replied , putting a grape in his mouth. "With the same girl from before? What's her name?" Tatum said, snapping her fingers, trying to remember the name

"Lindsay, and no. I have a date with this guy named Brian, " stu told them,and everyone turned to look at him

"You have -" Tatum started "a date-" Sidney continued. "With a guy -" Randy added, "name Brian." Billy finished

Stu gave his friend's a weird look. "That was freaking weird. Never do that again. It freaked me out, and yeah, something wrong with that?" Stu said

"No, we just never thought that you were into guys," Tatum said. "I thought you guys knew? " stu said

"You never told us," Sidney told him, and stu chuckled. "I thought I didn't have to, I mean, last year, I was making out with this guy on my couch with you guys around," stu told them

Billy looked away from stu and looked at the ground, glaring at it. Stu saw Billy look away, and he frowned . Was Billy upset because he liked guys, or was he upset because he didn't tell him?.

"So, how did you meet brian?" Tatum asked, and Billy drained out the rest of the conversation. Why didn't stu tell him? Or why didn't he notice? Stu shouldn't be going on a date with Brian , he should be going on a date with him. He should be his, not some other guy.

Billy was at a lost, he couldn't figure out who the other killer was, and he couldn't keep stu away from that guy Brian.

Billy even tried to kill Sidney, but she was a fighter. Everything was getting messed up, and Billy did not like it.

A couple of years passed ,and Billy had been trying to kill Sidney, but almost got himself killed, but one good thing came out of everything, he killed Brian and he did not feel guilty about it.

He still lived in woodsboro , he was a cop, the deputy of woodsboro, and stu, who also still lives in woodsboro, became a school teacher.

Billy hasn't confessed his true feeling for him, but they rarely talked to each other due to them being busy.

Sidney came back to woodsboro, and the killing started again. Stu and Billy were both confused because neither of them were doing the killing, but each thought the other was killing everyone.

Stu easily figured out who the killers were since he had them in his class , Jill Robert's and Charlie, Jill was Sidneys cousin.

He wasn't surprised to find that Jill was the killer. He could see the undying jealousy that she had for cousin.

He kept an eye on both of them and pretty much stayed out gales way when she was at the school.

Sidney was pretty surprised to find out that stu was a teacher and that Billy is the deputy.

Stu got roped into everything by Gale and Sidney. He was at the school when Sidney called him, telling him to meet her at Kirby house.

When stu arrived ,he saw a dead guy on the porch, and he walked further into the house and saw Sidney being held at gunpoint by Jill and Charlie and Billy holding a hand over his wound

"Stu!" Sidney gasped out, and Jill and Charlie turned to him, and he just blinked.

"You got by a couple of kids" stu said, glancing at billy " there Fucking pyshcos stu, plus they're your kids!" Billy said , sending stu a small glare and a confused look on why the hell is he so calm.

"Mr. Macher, what are you doing here?" Charlie asked."Seriously, I told you kids just to call me stu, Mr. Macher is my father, and trust me, I am not my father . Also, which one of you shot him?" Stu asked, gesturing to Billy.

" I did," Jill smirked, pointing the gun at stu, " and now I'm gonna shoot you," she said

Stu nodded , "Okay, but just let me tell you something," he said. "Fine, what are your last words?" Jill impatiently said

"Welcome to act three," he said. "what-" Jill didn't finish as stu pulled out his own, shooting her in the head.

He giggled. "I seriously been wanting to do that very a while now," he said before pointing the gun at Charlie

"Stu..what are you talking about?" Sidney asked, looking at him with wide eyes while Billy was staring at stu in awe.

"Your...the second killer," Billy breathed out, and Sidney eyes widened "your the one that's been trying to kill me!?" Stu chuckled, shaking his head

"Actually, no, that was Billy," stu confessed, snapping Billy out of his trance. "Yeah, that was me, but how did you know?" Billy asked

Stu shrugged. "It's pretty easy to figure out that you were the killer years ago , I just didn't tell you because I thought you get mad, but it's been a few years and I thought that I reveal myself, especially now that Sidney is back home" stu said

"I'm in love with you," Billy blurted out, stu let out a small laugh. "Babe, I don't think right now is the right time to be confessing your love for me , we have to take care of this before Dewey arrives," stu told him

"Right..but do you love me back?" Billy asked, getting his gun back and shooting Charlie

"Sorry, he punched me," Billy said, with a shrug. "Of course I love you back, Billy," stu replied

"You two are sick," Sidney said, and they both turned to look at her before shooting her.

"You should go, I'll take care of this," Billy told him. "Will you be alright?" Stu asked, gesturing towards the wound, and Billy nodded."Yeah, didn't hit anything vital. Now go before Dewey gets here, " Billy said ,gently taking the gun from stu and planting it on Charlie.

Stu nodded before he quickly pressed a kiss to Billy lips before leaving.

"Shit..I'm so fucked " Billy mumble to himself watching stu leave.

Dewey arrived soon, and Billy told him the bullshit story that he came up with.

After Billy got checked up by the doctors, he went over to stus house and stu told him everything, and Billy couldn't be more in love with him.
1236 words.

Hope you enjoy.

billy loomis x stu macher one-shots|| book threeWhere stories live. Discover now