" I'm in a towel! what did you think would happened!?"

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Requested by 25mkirby

Stu walked out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist, he forgot his clothes again , he shivered a bit as cold air hit his body

"Jesus fuck! Are you trying to give me a heart attack! You creep!" Stu shouted as he was startled as he saw Billy sitting at the edge of his bed. He noticed the window was open, and the fresh, cool summer breeze came through his window

Billy looked at him, raising an eyebrow at him , a thunderous experisson on his face , stu felt a bit of fear course through his body as he saw the experison Billy was wearing

"W..what's wrong?" Stu asked, cursing himself for stuttering

"You know you're supposed to be mine, right?" Billy told him, stu nodded," of course I know that Billy, I'm yours," stu replied

Billy scoffed and stu felt offended by that ,"Do you really? Because if you know that, then you wouldn't be flirting with other guys," Billy said

Stu blinked once before blinking twice,"What? I never flirted with anyone else other than you! You know that, Billy! I'm not a cheater!" Stu told him, a sudden burst of anger coursing through his body

"Nobody said you were! But now I'm thinking that you are!" Billy shouted, making stu flinched back at his sudden volume change

"You..can't believe that? I would never cheat on you, Billy," stu told him ,"yes, I believe that stu! You've been distant! What am I supposed to think!?" Billy said, ignoring the way stu flinched when he shouted

"You're supposed to trust me! I never flirted with anyone! People flirt with me, but I never flirt back. If you don't trust me enough, then there's the door!" Stu told him, accidentally letting go of his towel

Both of them froze before Billy's eyes traveled down, and stu blushed, picking up his towel again , snapping his fingers and gaining Billy's attention again

"My eyes are up here, Billy, " stu told him, "you..you did you just flash me?" Billy asked

"It was an accident! I'm in a towel, Billy! What do you think would happen!?" Stu replied

"I don't know! I'm definitely not thinking about getting flashed by my boyfriend!" Billy said

"Oh, I'm I still your boyfriend? Because I'm pretty sure you think I'm cheating when I'm clearly not," stu said with a sigh going over to his drawer to grab some clothes but before he could , he was grabbed by his arm and thrown into the bed with such force, he lost his breath for a second before Billy got on top of him, looking down at him

"You're still mine, and.. I'm sorry for not trusting you. I just got a bit insecure, okay, and jealous and a bit possessive, and I'm sorry, okay , I'm sorry that I called you a cheater, I know that you're not," Billy told him

"Of course I'm not, I only love you, and I'm sorry for making you feel insecure," stu told him

"I'll forget all about it, if you tell me why you been distant?" Billy said and stu let out a small sigh

"I...I..you're birthday is coming up, and I've been getting you a birthday present ," stu confessed

Billy stared at him for a couple of seconds," God, I'm such an asshole," he said, and stu shook his head

"No, you're not," he said, and Billy gave him a look, and stu let out a small chuckle,"Okay, you are but that doesn't matter, I still love you," stu told him

"You know... you flashing me in the middle of our argument got me thinking..." Billy trailed off

"About what?" Stu asked, confused. Billy smirked down at him

"About how I want to mark up your body and tell everyone to fuck off and that you're mine," Billy whispered and stu could feel his hard on and his body shivered

"Then..what are you waiting for?"
663 words
Hope you all enjoy!

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