"i..can't breath,"

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Asthma attacks

Stu macher had always had asthma. It was worse when he was a child, but it somewhat gotten better as he grew older.

He didn't tell any of his friends because...to be honest he forgot to , he didn't mean to, he just forgot.

His asthma wasn't as bad during the winter , it was only bad during the summer.

It was on a hot summer day when it happened,

Him and his friends were in his backyard, messing around

Stu was messing with Randy, both of them trying to throw the other on the grass

Billy was watching them sitting in the shade while Tatum and Sidney sat next to him, chatting each with a glass of ice tea in hand

Stu laughed as he threw Randy on the ground as he brought up his hand to rub his chest, feeling a tightness in his chest

He cleared his throat, taking deep breaths,

Randy seemed to notice,and he looked at him with concern eyes ,"You okay?" He questioned

"Y-yeah, I just lost my breath for a second," stu replied , feeling his heart beat start to race

His breathing became fast, and Randy quickly stood up, "What's wrong?"

"I..I can't breathe,"

"Billy! " Randy panicky shouted , and Billy quickly stood up and ran over

"What's wrong?" Billy asked, cupping stu's face, looking at him with worried eyes

"He can't breathe," Randy told him, "what do you mean he can't breathe?" Tatum asked

"Hey, hey, stu, focus on my breathing, okay? Try to copy it, okay?" Billy told him, and stu nodded

He was wheezing as he was trying to catch his breath ,

"Wait! Difficult breathing, wheezing, those are signs of an asthma attack!" Sidney told them

"Stu, do you have asthma?" Billy questioned, and stu nodded
"Shit, where's your inhaler?" He asked

"My...room....desk top," stu wheeze out

"I'll get it!" Randy ran inside the house ,

He ran up the stairs and ran into stu's room, going over to the desk top, finding the inhaler and running out

Randy ran outside and handed Billy the inhaler, who gave it to stu, helping him put it to his mouth

Puffing it, stu took deep breaths , his breathing finally returning to normal.

"Why didn't you tell us that you asthmatic?" Billy questioned

"Honesty babe, I forgot," stu confessed , "it was worse when I was a kid, and I totally forgot about it until now," he added

"You forgot about it?" Tatum said in a scolding tone, "How can you forget something like this?" Randy questioned

Stu shrugged ,"I have a shitty memory, I'm sorry," he told them , leaning his weight on Billy

"But I so tired of almost dying. Can I take a nap?" Stu questioned

"Not until we know you won't go into another asthma attack ,"Billy told him, and stu pouted

"We could watch a movie instead," Sidney suggested

"Okay, fine,"

If stu noticed that all his friends carried an inhaler after that day, well, he didn't question it.
Word count - 506

Hope you enjoy

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