"I'm not him,"

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A squeal to "just hold me okay?" || lean on me, I've got you,"

Requested by cloeeee_

It's clear to say that Billy loomis has some anger issues. Although he may have anger issues, he would never, and he means never hurt stu.

Sometimes, he can't just help but lose his temper. He doesn't remember why he lost his temper in the first place, but all he could remember was the terrified look on stu's face.

He didn't want to see that look on stu's face again. Not direct at him. It hurt Billy seeing stu so terrified at him.

He wished that he could've controlled his anger better. Maybe stu wouldn't be curled up in the corner, hugging his knees to his chest, quietly begging Billy not to hurt him as he cried.
Billy was having a fine morning. Until he got the phone call. He didn't know why he picked up the phone . Usually, stu would be the one picking up the phone, but Billy had decided to let him sleep in this morning.

He was debating whether or not he should let it go to voice-mail, but then he remembered what stu told him one day when he asked why he's always picking up the phone when it rings.

"Because Billy, it could be important." With a sigh, Billy got up from the couch that he decided he wanted to stay on all day , guess not.

He picked up the phone, putting it to his ear, he answered. "Hello?"

"Willam, is that you?" Billy's eyes widened as he heard his mother's voice from the other line before he his hand clenched around the phone in anger.

"What do you want?" It may have come out rude, but Billy couldn't give two shits.

"I want to talk. Can we meet up?" His mother's voice sounded so kind and caring, and it pissed Billy off even more.

"No, you had two fucking years to come and talk to me. And now you decided that you wanted to talk to me after I moved out of that bastards house?"

"I'm sorry, Billy, but please list -" Billy scoffed, cutting off his mother

"You can shove that fucking pathetic sorry up your ass,and you can kindly fuck off and not call here again." Billy pressed the end call button before he let out a yell throwing the phone against the wall, it shattered against the wall and scattered across the floor.

Billy took a deep breath, but that did nothing to help with his anger. He was fucking pissed that his mother decided to call him, asking to meet up after two fucking years. Not even one phone call in those two years.

Billy didn't know what had gotten into him. He just started to throw things around. Some were glass, and it shattered, spreading it all across the floors.

Stu must've woken up with all the noise because he was standing by the end of the stairs watching Billy with wide eyes.

Ignoring the glass on the floor, stu carefully walked over to Billy. "Billy? Honey, are you okay?" Stu reached out and touched Billy shoulder.

Billy turned around quickly, raising his fist, but his eyes widened, seeing stu staring at his fist with terrified eyes.

Quickly putting his hand down,he took a step forward towards stu, who backed up accidentally stepping on some glass . He didn't seem to feel the pain.

"Stu, hey, listen to me, I'm not gonna hurt you, you gotta stop backing up, you're stepping on the glass, you're cutting yourself," stu didn't listen to him, so Billy reached out to make him stop.

billy loomis x stu macher one-shots|| book threeWhere stories live. Discover now