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Requested by mentalslasher

Stu would unconsciously do things. He didn't know he was doing it until someone told him that he was doing it.

It annoyed people sometimes. It made stu feel guilty, and he tried so hard to stop unconsciously doing things, but it was hard.

Sometimes, he would pick at the skin of his fingers, ending up cutting himself by accident. So his fingers were usually covered in hello kitty or Scooby-Doo bandaids.

Other times, he would bite his lip until it bleeds. Even then, he wouldn't stop until someone pointed it out.

Or sometimes he would scratch at his arms until his sweet boyfriend Billy would stop him and hold his hands.

Usually, what he does is just affect himself and nobody around him, but everyone still gets annoyed with him.

It made stu upset, but Billy would reassure him that it was okay.  That he shouldn't pay attention to what anyone says.

Stu really tried not to, but he heard the whispers, and he hated it. He tried stopping his hands, he really did, but Billy told him it wasn't healthy.

Billy, being the sweet boyfriend that he is, brought stu a squishy toy, stu would use it all the time, but most of the time he would still pick at his skin or bite his lip or scratch his arms.

He was doing a bit better, but he knew that he still had more work to do.

Currently, stu was having a party . He was in the living room sitting criss-cross on the couch, watching the movie that was currently playing.

Billy sat on the ground in front of stu,a red cup in hand. He glanced up when he felt hands in his hair.

He saw stu staring at the TV with a focused gaze as his hands were messing with Billy's hair.

It surprised Billy since stu usually harms himself when he doesn't realize what's he's doing.

So Billy didn't say anything and let stu play with his hair, ignoring the looks from everyone else. Billy continued watching the movie, taking a sip of his drink.

He felt stu started to braid his hair , and he could hear Randy snickering from the side.

He sent Randy a small glare, and it only made him laugh louder. Randy's laugh snapped stu out of whatever trance he was in.

He blinked in confusion before he looked down at Billy and saw his hair was a mess, and it made him feel guilty

"I'm so sorry, Billy, I didn't...I ...I didn't mean to..I'm sorry," stu stood up and rushed out of the living room and past the guest and ran upstairs

"Shit! Hey, stu wait!" Billy got up from the floor, smacking Randy in the back of his head as he passed by him , and he ran up the stairs.

He caught the door before it could close, and he slipped inside, closing the door behind him.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," Billy told him, and stu shook his head ,"I..I could've -" Billy cut him off pulling stu into a hug and stu relaxed into his embrace

"Don't think like that, okay? You didn't hurt me, and I know you wouldn't hurt me. All you did was braid my hair, that's all," Billy told him

Stu lifted his head and glanced up at Billy's hair, letting out a small giggle , and Billy smiled

"You want to keep braiding my hair?" Billy softly asked, stu nodded

"Okay, I'll let you do whatever you want to my hair,expect shaving it alright, no scissors or shaving machines near my hair," Billy told him and stu let out a chuckle

"I'll be gentle with your precious hair, how about flowers? Or pins? You know Tatum gave him this really pretty-"

Billy smiled, listening to stu Ramble as he moved around his room, grabbing stuff. God, he loved him so much.

Word count - 657 words

Hope you enjoy

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