The ghost of you [part one]

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Ghost Au

Stu jolted awake by the school bell. He looked around confused before noticing that he was in class and everyone was leaving already.

He saw Billy slowly getting up from his desk. He looked like he hadn't slept in a few days , he honestly looked like hell, and it made stu worried for his boyfriend.

He walked over to Billy," Hey Billy, you alright? You don't look so good. Did you sleep well last night? " stu asked, but was shocked and hurt when Billy ignored him and walked away from him

"Billy? Are you okay?" Stu asked again, following behind Billy,"Billy, come on, stop ignoring me," stu pleaded, but Billy wouldn't look at him or even talk to him.

Billy stopped at his locker and stu saw Sidney walking over with Tatum, "Hey, Billy, how you doing today?" Sidney softly asked

"Fine," Billy said, not looking at the girls as he stuff books into his bag

"Hey! How come you talk to them but not me? I'm your boyfriend," stu said, but once again, Billy ignored him

"You don't look fine," Tatum told him, Billy slammed his locker shut, making the other three jump a bit

"I'm fucking fine,"he snapped ,starting to walk away ," you going out again? Look for more clues as to what happened?" Tatum spoke up, causing Billy to stop

"We know you been going out ever since he disappeared, we know that you're trying to figure out what happen to him," Sidney added, walking over to Billy and putting a comforting hand on his arm.

"Guy's, what's going on? Come on, can one of you please talk to me? Tat? Sid? Billy?" Stu asked, looking between the three

"What did Randy tell? I told him to keep his mouth shut," Billy said, shrugging Sidney hand off

"He's worried about you, Billy, worried about what you might do, worried that you're gonna worn yourself out before you find out what happened to stu," Tatum told him , Billy clenched his fist

"W-what do you mean by what happened to me?I'm right here, hello?" Stu said, waving in front of their faces, but they all ignored him...or they just couldn't see him at all

"I don't need anybody to worry about me, I'm not worried about myself...I just...I gotta find him, I can't sleep knowing that he's out there somewhere, I gotta know what happened to him," Billy told them, sighing

"But I'm right here, Billy,...why can't you see me?" Stu's voice broke at the end of his sentence

"Alright, but if you're gonna do this, then you're gonna need help. You're not the only one looking for what happened to stu, dewey told me that Gale weather's was snooping around as well. She might have something, we should talk to her, maybe team up with her?" Tatum suggested

Billy looked at the ground for a few seconds before looking at Tatum," Fine, I'll meet you guys back here in a few hours," Billy told them, and they nodded

Billy walked away from the girls and stu followed him , deep in thought

Why couldn't they see him? Why are they thinking that something happened to him?he was right here with them..with Billy,

Stu glanced at Billy, saw sadness and pain in his eyes , stu narrowed his eyes as he noticed something shiny around his neck , his eyes widened slightly, it was his necklace , but wasn't he wearing it?

Stu glanced down and didn't see his necklace on him. Why was Billy wearing his necklace? Better question is what the hell is going on?

Stu stayed by Billy's side throughout the day, Billy didn't do much or didn't say anything, but a few hours passed by, and Billy went back to the school and waited outside

Stu sat beside Billy and let out a sigh ,"I wish you could see me billy, I'll tell you to get some sleep," stu said , reaching out and put his hand on top of Billy's

He saw the way Billy's eyes widened before slowly turning his head towards the side.

He saw the way Billy's eyes welled up with tears

"S-stu?" Billy stuttered out, and stu eyes widen ," y-you can see me?" Billy nodded,

"I can...I can see you,"
720 words

I was inspired by a show called school spirits, it's about a teenage girl who woke up in a boiler room only to find out that she's a ghost.

The show is great, and literally everyone seems like a suspect, I wonder what the hell happened to her,

Well, you're gonna find out what happened to stu in the next chapter.

Hope you enjoy

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