The Glimpse of a false future

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Female stu
Billy loomis walked into his house,"Hey! I'm home," he called out, closing the door behind him , placing his keys on the bowl.

Soon, he heard small footsteps running, and then he heard shouting, " Daddy!" He smiled, bending down and opening his arms as his daughters ran up to him hugging him, and he hugged them back, kissing each of their heads.

"We miss you," his oldest daughter Samantha said, "I missed you guys too," Billy told them, standing up, lifting them along

He heard babbling, and he looked over and smiled, seeing stu holding their two month son.

"Hi, honey, how was work?" Stu walked over kissing his cheek ,"it's was alright. I had to deal with a few drunks, but that was it," Billy replied , putting his daughters down

"Daddy, I drew a picture! " His second daughter jaylen said, pulling on his arm towards the kitchen.

"I helped!" Sam announced proudly, "did you? Well, let's go see that drawing," Billy was dragged into the kitchen and towards the fridge

"Mommy hanged it up! She said it was bea...bea..bea," jaylen struggled to get the last word out

"Beautiful!" Sam helped her,"Yeah that!" Jaylen said, nodding in agreement

"It is beautiful, it's amazing," Billy told them, smiling down at them.

"That's me!and that's Sam!, that's mommy and that's you, and that's baby Evan," jaylen pointed to each person in the drawing

"Why is there red everywhere?" Billy questioned, "That's blood!" Jaylen told him, and Billy blinked down but saw that jaylen was gone,

"Jay?Sam where did -" Billy cut himself off, not seeing Sam, "stu where did the girls go?" He looked over at stu, and his eye's widen

Stu stumbled forward, her hands pressing against her side as blood poured out ,"Billy?"
Billy groaned , wincing at the pain on his shoulder . He looked around, seeing that he was at stu's house,

Right, the plan, the plan to kill Sidney. Everything was going alright until Sidney decided to fight back.

Billy stood up, and he heard a loud crash coming from the living room. He stumbled towards the living room, and his eyes widened , tears welling up in his eyes

Stu's body jolted due to being electrocuted by the TV on her head. Soon, she stopped

Billy shook his head, "No, no," he startled Sidney, who backed up, but he didn't care ,"No, no! No!" He stumbled forward, dropping to knees and moving the TV from stu's head

Her eyes were closed, and half her face was burned ,"stu? Come on, open your eyes. " Billy pleading shaking her, but stu was long gone

" can't do this, we were supposed to have a future together, remember? Have kids, two beautiful little girls, and a baby boy, remember? Please don't do this to me, " a sob escaped him

"You did this to yourself Billy, you ruined your own future," Sidney spat out, and Billy looked at her,Titling his head, anger swarming in his eyes

"Me? I ruined my future!? I didn't fucking ruin it! You did! You killed stu!you fucking bitch!" Billy stood up and charged at Sidney both of them falling to the ground , Billy raised the knife, reading to strike but he was shot and he fall back

"Fuck," he cursed "you ruined it billy," Sidney told him, pointing the gun she grabbed from Gale at him

"No, I didn't...."Billy reached out and grabbed Stu's hand, Sidney pressed her finger against the trigger, shooting Billy in the head

"Babe! Can you grab Troy's blanket?" Stu called out from the living room,"Yeah, need anything else?" Billy asked

"Just you!" Billy chuckled, grabbing the bowl of popcorn

"Daddy, hurry up!"

"I'll be there in a second!"
Word count - 628

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