"say i love you because i love you too [part one]

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Female stu

Billy loomis watched the cheerleaders practice, his eyes were on only one cheerleader, and that was stu macher, his best friend/ crush.

She is the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, the only person who ever understood him.

Her beautiful light brown hair was tied in a braided bun, her bright blue eyes shined brightly , her smile was genuine and beautiful,

Billy watched as she was thrown into the air by the other cheerleaders. He watched as she did a flip before falling, his heart stilled, but he sighed in relief as the other cheerleader caught her.

"You look like a stalker," Billy glanced to his left, seeing steve orth sitting down next to him

"I'm just making sure stu is safe," Billy replied, looking back at stu , who was now on the ground, laughing with tatum riley and Casey becker

"Protective much? You know, sometimes I think that you only joined the football team, so you can watch stu cheer, or better yet, so stu can cheer you on," steve said

"It's that obvious?" Billy asked, looking at steve who chuckled ,shaking his head ,"no, but you just prove it,"

"Just ask her out already," steve added ,"I can't, this is stu were talking about, she's so amazing and perfect, why would she want to go out with someone like me?"Billy said , with a sigh

"She's coming this way," steve quickly said, and Billy looked over seeing stu jogging over to them, as she neared them, she smiled

"Hi Billy, hi steve," she greeted ,"hi stu," steve greeted back before standing. "Gotta go back to practice," With that, he left and stu sat beside Billy

"Why aren't you practicing?" She asked ,"oh uh..I don't know," Billy said, letting out a small chuckle

Stu let out a small giggle, billy blushed, "You don't know? " Billy shook his head

"Well, you should start practicing. You got a game in two days," she told him ,"I know,... I thought Casey was the one they were gonna throw in the air? Why you?" Billy questioned

"Oh, they decided I should since I'm lighter then everyone else on the team, I may be the tallest but I'm light as a feather, as Tatum puts it," stu told him , with a small chuckle

"Well uh..you did amazing ," Billy told her, and stu smiled. Her smile was contagious, making Billy smile

"Thanks, Billy," she said, "now, go practice," she added, standing up and smiling down at Billy, who nodded

"See you later, love you," With that, she walked away, and Billy watched her go with wide eyes, his heart beating loudly in his chest

Did....stu just tell him that she loved him? It couldn't be. He must be hearing things. Clearly, he was hearing things, stu I couldn't love him? Could she?

Stu on the hand was completely freaking out. It was a slip-up. She didn't mean to say love you. The words just came out. Yeah, she loves Billy very much, but what if Billy doesn't like her back? Now she made it awkward by saying, Love you.

What was she going to do now? "You okay? You seem nervous?" Tatum asked, and stu looked at Casey and Tatum

"I told Billy, love you, " she told them ,"You told him that you love him? What did he say? Did he say it back?" Tatum asked

"No, I walked away before he could say anything, the words just slipped out, oh God, I just made things awkward between us, didn't i?" Stu ranted

"Mabye, he didn't even realize it," Casey told her in a reassuring voice, and stu nodded, thinking that Casey was right, Billy probably didn't notice the slip up

Billy, on the other hand, walked over to his teammates, "What do you do when a girl says love you before walking away?" Billy questioned

"Oh my god, stu told you that she loved you, congratulations, man! You have your dream girl now," steve said, and Billy looked at him

"I didn't say it back," his teammates eyes widen, all looking at each other

"You didn't say it back? What? Dude! You've been waiting ages for this, and you didn't say I love you back?" Steve said, and Billy shook his head

"I was in shock, I think I am still in shock," Billy told him , "Well, she's over there. Go say it," steve told him, gesturing towards stu, and Billy shook his head

"I can't. It was probably a slip-up. Yeah, it was a slip up, and she didn't mean to say it, that's all," Billy said, reassuring himself ,

"It wasn't a slip up," steve started, but Billy cut him off ,"Let's start practicing, "he said, putting on his helmet

Stu looked over at Billy, seeing him practicing, and she bit her lip, wishing that he would come over and tell her that he loves her too , but her hope slowly vanishing by every passing minute,

With a sigh, she continued on with her practice.
Word count - 842

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