" i still love you, i think i always will but you betrayed me"

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This is part two of , " I never loved you,"

Originally requested by FreddyKruegeez

Hope you all enjoy

Stu felt nervous and anxious. They had let him out to help catch Billy , Sidney told him that everything would be okay, but stu didn't think so.

He knew Billy better than anyone, better than Billy knew himself, Billy was absolutely insane. He wouldn't think twice about killing him. He was scared. He had never felt this scared before, and he was in jail with some pretty scary guys.

They told him that he had to lure him out, and he supposed him leaving jail, lured Billy out, stu was currently at his old home

His parents left after a while, ashamed and couldn't handle the stares or the whispers anymore . They left all his stuff behind, and they cleaned up a bit but left it as it was

It brought so many memories back, and some brought tears to his eyes . He couldn't even walk into the garage without thinking about what he did

He felt guilt. He had a lot of time to think in his cell, and he knew what he did wasn't right and he feels really guilty , he should have never agreed to help Billy, he should have never helped him kill Casey, Steve and Tatum.

Stu was so relieved when Sidney had told him that Randy was alive as well but in witness protection with his family along with Sidney

He wanted to apologize to Randy in person, but he knew he couldn't, so he gave a note to Sidney to pass along to Randy. He knew he would never forgive him, but stu hoped it would help ease the guilt a bit, but it really didn't.

Stu sat on the stairs, staring at his hands that were shaking. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

He wasn't alone, their were cops all around, ready to arrest Billy when he arrived, when he showed evidence that he was truly the killer, but stu couldn't help but feel that he was alone at that very moment.

"Shit, you look like a mess. Guess jail messed you up even more," stu flinched and looked up, seeing Billy coming out of the shadows . He looked different from when he lost and saw him

His hair was a bit short. He had grown out a few facial hairs , he looked older , while stu was the complete opposite, he let his hair grow out a bit, and he couldn't grew any facial hair , he looked young

"You.. you look shitter than I do ," stu joked , Billy chuckled and stu saw something shine through the darkness, and he guess it was a knife

"I guess you heard about that bitch still being alive,and that little geek too, seriously thought I killed him," Billy said, stepping closer and stu gulped

"Y-..yeah, Sidney came to vist me, told me that she would never forgive me for what I did," stu told him, lying to him

"Of course not, you killed her bestfriend," Billy told him, "you killed Tatum Billy, I didn't,..I didn't want to kill Tatum, she was my friend," stu said

Billy chuckled darkly, "Yeah, I did kill Tatum but you never stopped me , so you killed her too," Billy told him

"I know.."stu started, clearing his throat, "I know where they are," stu told him

"Sidney and Randy, I know where they are," he added and Billy curiously looked at him, walking closer to him, enough to they were face to face, he pressed the knife against stu's throat and stu looked at him with fear in his eyes but with a determined look on his face

"Do you? Do you really know where they are?or are you just lying to me, so I wouldn't kill you," Billy whispered to him

Stu knew what he had to do. He knew that Billy wouldn't rest until he killed Sidney and Randy. Even if he was in jail or in a mental institution , he would escape, and neither would be safe

Stu slowly nodded, brought his hand up and pushed the knife away from his throat, but held Billy hand in his hands

Billy glanced at their hands but didn't move his hand away. He looked at stu ,who had tears in his eyes

"What's the matter?" Billy asked, stu didn't answer instead. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against billys,who froze, caught off guard

Billy couldn't help but let his heart do a few skips. He didn't know what he was feeling, stu's lips were soft, but he didn't love stu...or does he?

Before he could react , stu pulled back, looking at him with sad eyes

"I love you so much... you can't even begin to understand how much I love you , I will always love you, Billy, but you betrayed me , and I can't let you hurt them," stu told him, his grip on billy hand tighten and before Billy could even react, he felt intense pain in his chest

Billy looked down and saw the knife impaled in his chest , his hand and stu's hand getting caked in his blood

He looked up as stu let out a sob ,"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry but I couldn't let you hurt them, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry , please forgive me, I'm sorry," stu rambled on as Billy slump against him

Stu sobbed as he pulled out the knife . He stood up and backed away from Billy as the cops rushed in

"Drop the knife!"

"Drop it!"

"Put the knife down!"

Different shouts were heard but stu couldn't progress what they were seeing, he staggered a bit before he heard a loud bang and than another, the pain didn't come until he was on the floor

He was struggling to breathe, he tried to take a breath but no air came, only blood , he saw burke and stu couldn't help but whimper out, "I'm..so sorry,"

That day, Willam " Billy " loomis died, Sidney and Randy weren't in danger anymore , that day Stuart " stu" macher died as well , he wasn't supposed to die but that's how life works , it works in mysterious ways.
1044 words

Hope you all enjoy!

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