Cooking disaster

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Female stu

Stu macher stared at her kicthen in complete horror, standing in the middle of her kicthen was Billy loomis and Randy meeks , covered in flour and other baking ingredients

"What....what in the world happened?" She calmly asked, scaring Billy and Randy

" all started when I wanted to make something special for you...."
Billy glared at the cooking book in his hand before glaring at the stupid ingredients on the counter.

He was trying to make stu cupcakes, not just any cupcakes, strawberry cupcakes, her favorite, but Billy was having a hard time making them,

They either came out, to burnt, to foggy, to mushy, to tasteless, too much strawberry, a different color, it irritated the hell out of Billy, but he kept trying

"Stuart macher!" Billy narrowed his eyes as Randy meeks walked in, yelling for stu,

He froze as he spotted Billy in the kitchen, "Oh hey Billy, stu here?" Randy asked

"No, she went out with Tatum and Sidney," Billy replied, "are you baking? Never in my life I thought i would see this," Randy said with a small chuckle

Billy rolled his eyes,"the hell you want anyways?why are you looking for my girl?" Billy asked

"She was going to return my comic book today," Randy said ,"So what's cha baking?"

"Strawberry cupcakes, but they're not coming out well," Billy said, with a sigh

"Want help?"
"Let's just say I should have never ever accepted Randy's help. He somehow managed to explode the cupcakes, and they went everywhere ," Billy said, finishing explaining what happened

Stu looked at Randy and Billy before laughing ,Billy and Randy shared a look, fearing for their lifes.

They slowly backed up ,"we're really sorry,"

Stu stopped laughing, taking a deep breath ,"Okay, um... did you add the amount of flour you had to add?" She asked

"There's an amount?" Stu giggled,"you guy's are so funny, relaxed. I'm not gonna kill you guys. You guys are just gonna clean the whole kitchen while I make strawberry cupcakes," she told them

"That's worse than death," Randy said, and Billy nudged him,"Well, start cleaning," he said, and stu smiled before kissing him

"What was that for?" He asked after she pulled back ,"for trying, thank you," she said

"Anything for my girl," Billy replied with a smile

"Do I get a kiss?" Randy asked, and Billy punched him in the shoulder, "start cleaning meeks! My girl deserves a clean kicthen and a clean kicthen we will give her," Billy said

Stu giggled before she started to make the cupcakes..
Word count - 436

Hope you enjoy

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