" December 12th 1991,"

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I don't know if I did something like this one before or asked someone to do it, but here goes nothing,

Hope you enjoy

Billy loomis smirked at Sidney , pointing the knife at her ,"You see me and stu , we will be the only survivors ," Billy told her

Sidney feared strike face, slowly turning into a realization before turning sad

"Stu? Billy...stu isn't real. He died years ago when we were twelve? Is this why you're doing this?" Sidney said

Billy looked at her confused, shaking his head ,"You're really joking at a time like this?"

"I'm not joking! You're delusional, Billy! Your parents should've gotten your help when he died! " Sidney told him

"Shut up!he's not dead! He's right here! Tell her stu, tell her to stop fucking around," Billy said, turning to look at stu, stu was looking at him with sad eyes

"She can't see me Billy, she's right," stu told him and Billy shook his head ,"No! You're alive, and you're here with me!, and we're both going to survive this! Just like we did years ago!" Billy said

"Billy....stu didn't survive. He died that day," Sidney said, and Billy turned to glare at her ,"Shut up! You shut up!"

Sidney hardened her expression, and she looked Billy in the eyes ," stu macher died on December 12th , 1991 , he was 12 years old, and it was an accident, we made it out alive that day but stu didn't," Sidney told him

"No! It's not true!" Billy yelled ," Billy," Billy turned to look at stu as he called his name

Instead of being met with the 17 year old stu, he was met with a twelve year old stu who was soaking wet and pale , very pale . He was shivering, and his teeth were chattering

"No,....this can't.....it can't be true....he survived...he survived....he didn't survive," Billy said to himself, as memory's of that day came to him
[December 12th 1991]

Billy loomis, Tatum riley, Randy meeks, Sidney Prescott, and stu macher pulled their sleighs, up the hill

Well, Billy was pulling his and stu's since he had insisted on pulling it up the hill. After many begging (from Billy), stu finally agreed to let him pull it up the hill.

"Billy! I'm tired of pulling my sleigh. Can you pull it for me?" Randy questioned, and Billy scoffed ,"No, I'm not your maid,"

"I can pull it for you!" Stu happily grabbed the ropes of Randy's sleigh and started to pull it up the hill

"Are you guys sure this is the right hill?" Stu questioned, looking at the girls who nodded

"Yep, of course!" Tatum replied ,"and we made it,"Sidney said

"Whoa! Look at this view!" Stu exclaimed , "Let's get going!"

Soon, all of them were on their sleighs before they slid down the hill ,

They all laughed, and soon the sleighs stopped ,"That was awesome! We should do it again ," stu said, getting off his sleigh before slipping and falling on his butt

"Ow," Billy quickly got off his sleigh, running over to stu, but he slipped and fell on top of stu

"Ow," stu giggled ,"you okay, Billy?" Billy nodded, looking down at stu ,"Yeah, you?" Stu nodded with a smile

"Uh... guys, is the snow supposed to be cracking?" Randy questioned

"Snow doesn't crack, Randy," Tatum replied with an eye roll

"Then why is it cracking? And why is it getting wetter?" Randy said, and everyone shared a look, Billy and stu getting up, almost slipping again

"Because we're standing on the frozen lake, everyone warned us to stay away from ," Sidney told them

"Let's get out of here!" Randy said, moving but the ice cracked again

"Run!" Everyone started to run, "Billy! Stu! Hurry!" Tatum shouted as they ran, but it was getting hard since the ice was cracking really fast

Before Billy could react, he felt himself getting pushed before hearing a splash, "stu!" The others shouted, and Billy's eyes widened quickly, turning around, but he didn't see stu behind him. All that was behind him was water

"Stu! Stu!" Billy shouted his name over and over again, trying to get into the water, but his friends held him back

"Stu!" Soon dwight ' dewey ' riley ran over to them, jumping into the water and pulling out an unconscious very pale stu

"Stu! Stu! Wake up! Hey, wake up!" Billy shook him, but he didn't wake up, dewey did cpr, but was already gone

Billy fell back, staring at stu's lifeless body with wide eyes ,"stu, wake up, you gotta wake up, my mom said she was going to make us hot chocolate, with extra marshmallows, you're favorite, so you have to wake up okay? Wake up!" Billy crawled over and shook him

"Wake up! Wake up! WAKE UP!"
[Present time]

Billy let out a sob, falling to his knees , grabbing the gun that was on the floor, before looking up at the twelve year old stu

"I'm so sorry," he whispered before putting the gun to his head and pressing the trigger,

Sidney let out a scream, falling to her knees, sobbing .

All her friends were dead and she was the only one left.

It wasn't fair!

Life wasn't fair
Word count - 880

Hope you enjoy

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