The Attack

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Requested by lemonymelonyzesty

This is an AU where Billy and stu are not the killers.

Hope you enjoy.

Stu macher was at home alone as usual. It was late at night, stu couldn't sleep.

He was in the living room lying down on the couch, watching a movie that was currently playing on TV.

The phone suddenly rang, startling stu. He was confused about who would be calling him at 11: 16 at night.

He debated on ignoring it, but what if it was his parents? Stu let out a sigh before getting up from the couch and walking over to the phone and picking it up, clicking the answer button and putting to his ear

"Hello?" Stu answer

"Hello, who's this?" A deep and unfamiliar voice asked

"You tell me you're the one that called me," stu said , with a small eye roll

"What's your name?" The person questioned.

"Who is this?" Stu asked

"I'll tell you my name if you tell me yours," the person told him

"Dude, it's 11:18. It's late at night for you to be playing games over the phone," stu said

"I'm gonna hang up now," stu added

"No, wait," the person said, but stu wasn't listening to him.

"Bye," stu clicked the end call button and put the phone back down. He turned around to walk back to the couch,

As he was about to sit back down, the phone rang again . He decided to ignore it this time as he sat on the couch .

The phone rang for a minute before it stopped before it started to ring again , stu let out a groan before getting up and walking over to the phone

"Hello?" He answered the phone

"Why didn't you pick up the second time I called you?" the person asked, a bit annoyed

Stu suddenly started to feel uneasy about this person.

"Listen, man, I don't know what you want, but you have to stop calling," stu said

"No, you listen. If you ever think about hanging up on me again , I will gut you like a fish!" The person yelled

"Fuck you man" stu said, hanging up the phone , a sudden wave of fear past over him.

He watched enough horror movies with Randy to know that this was the time to call the police , as he was dialing 911 , he heard a door creaking in the hallway.

His eye's widen as he took a step back as he saw a mask figure coming into his view.

The mask figure raised his hand, waving a knife that he was holding.

"Oh...crap," stu mumbles under his breath before he runs as the figure runs towards him.

Stu let out a yell as the figure tackles him into the floor , the phone that stu was holding scatter across the floor , he was turned around and faced with the mask figure , he struggle with the person

He let out a yell of pain as he felt intense pain in his side . He glanced to his side, seeing the knife impaled into his side.

He let out another yell as the mask figure pulled the knife out before stabbing him again.

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