"Get the fuck away from him!"

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Requested by mentalslasher

Warnings - sexual assault, cursing, crude language, attempted rape , inappropriate touching,

Stu macher was bending down to look at the movies all the way at the bottom of the shelf. His eyes were scanning the titles of the movies , and he hummed to himself , thinking which movie would Billy like better.

Billy was currently scanning through movies in another section, the horror section, leaving stu to pick out a romantic movie because he wanted to watch a romantic movie while Billy wanted to watch a horror movie, so they decided just to watch both.

Stu was about to reach out and grab a movie that peaked his interest when he felt a hand slid over his hip, and he stood up straight and turned around seeing a guy he had never seen before

"Watch the hands, dude," stu said in a joking manner . The guy chuckled, "Sorry, I just couldn't help myself. You have nice hips," he said , his eyes trailing down stu's body, which made stu feel uncomfortable.

"Um... thanks, I guess," stu mumbled, and from the corner of his eye, he saw Billy walking over with a movie in hand , his smile turning into a frown once seeing the guy in front of stu looking at him like he some kind of dessert, which he is but only he can look at stu that way , not some random guy.

"Hey babe!," stu greeted, feeling happy that Billy was with him. This guy screamed danger, and stu didn't want to be alone with this guy

"Hey, who's this?" Billy asked, glaring at the guy ,"I'm Jonathan, I was just apologizing to..." He trailed off, looking at stu , who shifted a bit closer to Billy, who seemed to notice ,"stu," he mumbled

"I was just apologizing to stu since I bumped into him," Jonathan told Billy,"Okay, then you apologize, now go away," Billy said, making a shoo gesture

Anger flashed in Jonathan's eyes, but it quickly vanished as he forced a smile and nodded "alright, once again, I'm sorry, stu, for bumping into you," he said before walking away

Stu let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in ,"what did he do? You seem very uncomfortable," Billy questioned,with concern

"He touched my hip, he told me that I had nice hips ," stu told Billy, who eye's darken with anger ,"did he do anything else?" Stu shook his head ,"No,"

"I found a movie that you might like, it's romantic and funny, It's called overboard," stu said, changing the subject and turning around, bending down and grabbing the movie before standing up straight and turning to face Billy, holding up the movie with a smile on his face

Billy stared at him. How could he just change the subject like that? "Do..not like it?I can pick another movie," Stu's voice broke him out of his thoughts

"I haven't seen that movie yet, is it good?" Billy asked, stu nodded."Yeah, I think so , Tatum was telling me about this movie," stu told him, and Billy nodded

"What movie did you get?" Stu asked ,glancing at the movie in Billy's hand ,"Oh uh, the first movie of Friday the 13th, the one where Mrs. Voorhees is the killer," Billy replied

"I love that movie, come on, let's go check out," stu said, walking away towards where Randy was behind the counter

Billy followed closely ,stu settled the movie down on the counter and turned to Billy with a sheepish smile ,"sorry, I gotta use the bathroom real quick, I'll be back in a flash," he said before rushing off leaving Billy with Randy

"You alright?" Randy asked, Billy nodded," You want them bagged?" Billy once again nodded.
Stu finished washing his hands, and he dried them, and he was about to walk out of the bathroom when Jonathan walked in , locking the door behind him.

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