"It's okay to cry"

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Billy's father always told him that men do not cry, and Billy believed him. He didn't cry when he hurt himself when he fell,and he didn't cry when his mother left him.

He didn't cry, but he wanted too but men don't cry. Instead, he turned all that sadness into anger.

He was angry all the time, and no one really knew why. Everyone tried to help him but he just yells at them and tells them to fuck off.

Stu, he was the only one he didn't yell or told him to fuck off because he knew that stu wouldn't just fuck off and leave him alone.

Stu, he tried to cheer him up, and sometimes he could actually get a small smile on Billy's face or a small chuckle from him.

Billy doesn't know how stu's does it. Be happy and optimistic all the time. He was the happiest person Billy knew.

Currently, Billy was going over to stu's house since he didn't want to stay at his house.

He didn't know when he stopped thinking about his home not being his home ,it didn't feel like home anymore.

Billy soon arrived at stu's house and noticed all the lights off besides the one from the upper floor, which was stu's room.

Billy walked up the porch and tried the door, and it was open. Billy seriously had to talk about stu locking his front door.

Billy walked into the house and closed the door softly behind him. He walked up the stairs quietly.

Stu's bedroom door was wide open. He saw stu lying on his bed, on his stomach with his cheek resting on the palm of his hand with a comic book laying in front of him.

Billy leaned against the door frame with his hands in his pockets, staring at stu.

He didn't have a smile on his face , he had a small frown.

"Are you alright, Billy?" Stu asked, without looking up from his comic book.
Billy blinked in, surprised.

"How did you know I was here?" He asked."I just did, " stu replied, closing the comic book and throwing it somewhere before he sat up, stretching his body.

"You should start locking your door. Who knows who might just walk in?" Billy told him,pushing himself off the doorframe . He walked over and sat at the edge of the bed.

"I only leave the door unlock for you," stu told him. "Why?" Billy glanced at him

Stu shrugged. " I just do. Are you hungry? Or want something to drink, " stu asked , Billy shook his head.

"Stu, can I ask you a question?" Billy asked," you just did, " stu replied . With a small giggle , Billy rolled his eyes, but a small smile appeared on his face.

"Why were you frowning a few minutes earlier?" He asked , stu tense a bit before forcing out a laugh." I don't know what you're talking about, dude. I don't frown, "stu told him

"I saw you , you can't lie to me," Billy said , stu let out a small sigh

"I just. miss my parent's that all," stu told him. "What do you mean?" Billy asked

"If you haven't noticed Billy, my parents are never around. They haven't been home in months , I get a call once in a while, but that's all, " stu told him

"You've been living here alone for months," Billy said, turning to face stu who shrugged.

"It's fine, plus I'm not alone ,I've got my cat who disappears most of the time, and I also got you. You practically live here, " stu said

"I've been in my head for way too long that I didn't even notice , you must feel so lonely," Billy said

"Most of the time , yeah, but I don't feel lonely when I'm with you," stu replied

"Stu...do you ever cry?" Billy asked."Sometimes," stu told him.

"Why? Didn't your dad ever tell you that men don't cry?" Billy asked , stu shook his head." My dad barely talks to me. If he does, he's usually just reminding me how pathetic I am and how much he wanted a different son, " stu said

Billy stared at him . How come he never knew about stu and his family ? He was just a shitty friend

"Billy, does your dad tell you that? That men don't cry? Because that's bullshit, everyone cries even men, " stu told him

"My dad told me that every day," Billy replied. " Billy..it's okay to cry, you know, it's nothing to be embarrassed about," stu told him

Billy looked away from stu and stared at the wall.

"Is that why you're so angry all the time?because instead of crying, you pent it all up, and you just become so angry," stu said

"Billy..that's not healthy," stu said, Billy let out a scoff. "What are you? My therapist?" Billy said

"No, you have one?" Stu asked, shifting closer to Billy , who turned back to look at him.

"Of course I don't idjit," Billy said. "You're the idjit billy" stu told him before pulling him into a hug

"What are you doing?" Billy asked, "Hugging you, " stu replied."Why?"

"Because Billy, everyone needs a hug every once and while," stu told him , Billy slowly wrapped his arms around stu.

"It's okay to cry, you know," stu whispered , Billy felt his eyes welled up , and he held stu tighter and stu started to rub his back

"It's okay, I've got you," stu told him , Billy let out a sob before he just started to cry and stu held him as he did.

Billy learned that day that it was okay to cry and that he could always go to stu when he felt like crying. Stu promised him that he would always be there for him.
967 words !

Hope you enjoy!

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