The mafia leader and his undercover CI

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Part two requested strangerthingshit

This is part two mafia leader and his undercover CI, which the one shot was originally requested by 25mkirby

Hope you all enjoy it!

Stu nervously swayed back and forth in front of Billy's loomis mansion, Billy had called him and asked him to come over, and stu must admit that the mansion was huge and very beautiful, it was something stu never thought he would see or even step foot into one again.

The front door swung open ,starling stu, "You've been standing out here for ten minutes," it was Billy, and he was looking at stu with an amused look

"Oh um..I was debating if I should knock or not or if I should run," stu told him, with a small smile

"Why would you run?" Billy asked, with a raised eyebrow ,"Um, last time I was in a didn't end great," stu told him, his smile falling, he rubbed the back of neck nervously

"You.. wanted to see me, sir?" He asked , missing the way Billy's eyes darkened when he called him sir

"I have something for you. Come in," Billy said, stepping aside and stu hesitantly walking inside , Billy closed the door with an echo slam and stu couldn't help but flinch at the sound

Stu followed Billy to his office . He nervously stood as Billy went to his desk and grabbed a wrapped gift, and he walked over to stu and handed it to him

Stu gave him a confused look, grabbing the gift, "what is this?" He asked

Billy gave him a small smile, "Well, you won't know until you open it, "

Stu hesitantly opened the gift, and his eye's widen , before looking up at Billy, who was smirking.

" got me a laptop? This..this is a really expensive one , why.. why would you buy me this?" Stu asked, shocked

"Because you will need it, and it didn't really cost that much," Billy replied , stu blinked at him ,"rich people think that all the time," he blurted out without thinking

Billy chuckled, "Yeah, I guess so. The people at the store said it was the best one ," Billy said ,"it is, um..thank you sir," stu said

"Call me Billy," Billy told him, stu grinned, and being the little shit he is said," Thank you, Billy...sir,"

Billy narrowed his eyes at stu, who ducked his head with a smile ,"Well, this is just the small gift that I have for you, come on follow me," Billy said before walking out of the room

Stu followed him quietly, and Billy walked into a room that was close to his office and stu followed but froze by the door

"This will be your tech room, I brought you all the best computers,and I brought you a comfy chair , all you hackers use," Billy told him

"This... this is too much," stu managed out through his shock

"Really?" Billy questioned, looking around the room , seeing no problem at all

"Billy, there's four computers on the bottom and four on top ,that's like eight computers, hackers don't use that much computers, unless you're hacking into the White House , which they really need to update they're security, do you know how easy it is to hack into the white house?" Stu ranted

"You hacked into the White House?" Billy asked, impressed and a bit shocked ."Yeah , but only for a few seconds because they were tracking my location, anyways why did you buy me all this? The laptop was just fine," stu told him

"Because you deserve the best," Billy told him ,"Well, um.. thanks," stu smiled at him, and Billy swore it light up the whole room,

"Great,I'm glad you like it, now I'm gonna show you to your room that you'll be staying at," Billy told him, and stu blinked

"What? never said anything about that? " Stu said ,"Well, from now on, you'll be staying here with me, not the hotel you been staying at, that way I can keep a eye on you," Billy told him, in a tone that left no room for argument or protests

Stu simply nodded and followed Billy out of the tech room and towards another room,

Stu didn't know why Billy was doing all of this? He wasn't that special. He didn't need all this stuff Billy was giving him , he didn't get why Billy was acting like this. From what he heard from Randy was that Billy was a complete jerk, but he doesn't seem like a jerk. He seemed caring towards stu, and it confused him.

"So, what do you think?" Billy asked, snapping stu out of his thoughts,stu blinked, looking around the room

" the bed so huge?it looks like you can fit at least six people on it," stu asked, shocked

"What? Have you never seen a bed so huge bedore?" Billy asked, and stu shook his head, "I thought you did your research, I grew up in a small apartment in New york, the only bed I had was a pillow and a blanket , and the only bed I had was the hotel bed , so no, I never seen a huge bed like this before...can I get a smaller one?" Stu said

Billy blinked, progressing the information stu gave him, "You want a smaller bed?" Billy asked,  little surprised, he look at the bed, and he must admit, he overdone it a bit

"It's..not like I'm gonna have a lot of company over, " stu told him, and Billy's eyes darkened at the mention of stu having company that wasn't him

"You're not allowed to have company in your room, no lady or male company at all, " Billy told him , and stu couldn't help but nervously shift around at the tone of Billy's voice

"I..I didn't mean..I..I don't sleep around, I..never had any you.." stu trailed off

"You're a virgin!?" Billy asked, surprised and shocked. Someone has beautiful as stu couldn't possibly be a virgin, that's just impossible

Stu duck his head, his cheeks heating up ,"I um..never had time for..any of that...nor really had yeah," stu mumbled

"You.. fascinate me, you know that, " Billy told him, stepping closer to him

"Uh.." stu trailed off, not knowing what to say, Billy smirked."How about we test out your new bed?"

"Huh..what?" Stu asked, blushing ,"after we're done, you won't be a virgin anymore," Billy told him caging stu between himself and the wall, stu looked at him with wide eyes

1105 words.

Let me know if y'all want a part three!
Hope you enjoy

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