" no one would hear you scream!" [part two].

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Part two of " No one would hear you scream!"

Billy and stu walked hand in hand in the parade, mickey walked beside stu, wishing that he could hold his hand.

Stu swung their hands back and forth a smile on his face. Sidney, Tatum , Hallie, and Derek walked in front of them, and Randy ran off somewhere.

Billy lifted their hands and spun stu around, stu giggled and laughed, Billy smiled before pulling stu close, swaying their bodies as they walked

Mickey watched with jealousy, he clenched his fist, and scoffed under his breath.

"Hey, let's start now," Billy whispered to stu, who nodded ,"Okay," stu turned around faced him, pecking his lips before removing himself Billy's hold and turning around, running towards his friends,

"Come on guys, hurry up or we're going to miss the show!" He told them, running ahead of them, through the crowd of people

"Hey, wait up!" Tatum shouted, running after stu ,"wait Tatum!" Sidney ran after Tatum, and Hallie shook her head running after Sidney and Derek ran off after them

All of them getting separated in the crowd , mickey and Billy shared a look before disappearing into the crowd.

"Excuse me! Coming through! Stu, wait up!" Tatum yelled, pushing past people

"Come on, tat! Hurry!" She faintly heard stu through the crowd , "stu!?where are you!?"

Tatum stopper short as she spotted ghostface in the crowd, her eyes widen, and she backed up , a person passed infront of her and ghostface was gone

Tatum turned around, only to bump into someone and felt an intense burning hot pain in her stomach

She looked down and saw a knife impaled in his stomach before she looked up seeing ghostface. They pulled the knife out and stabbed her again before pushing to the ground and disappearing into the crowd.

Sidney pushed through the crowd, yelling for Tatum , "Tatum! Stu!" Sidney shouted

Sidney glanced around the crowd before she felt a tap on her shoulder .She turned around ,"Tat -" she was cut off by a knife being jammed into her stomach multiple times

She was pushed into the ground afterward, and she watched as ghostface disappeared into the crowd.

Stu walked through the crowd before his arm was grabbed, and he was pulled into an alley way, ghostface stood in front of him before they pulled off their mask, revealing mickey

"Mickey? You were supposed to be killing the others," stu told him, and mickey sighed, lifting his hand and caressing the side of stu's face

Stu leaned into his touch, and mickey leaned forward, capturing his lips, and stu let out a small moan

Stu pulled back, slightly out of breath from making out with mickey, "we should get back to the plan, " stu told him, and mickey shook his head

"Let's just go, you and me, let's get out of here," mickey told him, and stu shook his head," we can't leave Billy behind,and we got to finish the plan," stu told him

"Fuck the plan!" Stu flinched as mickey raised his voice ,"sorry, " mickey apologized

"Fuck Billy, let's just go okay? Mm? You and me? We could live happily together,and the sex? It would be amazing," mickey told him

Stu shook his head ,"No, no, I'm not leaving Billy, you go if you want, but I'm not leaving Billy and I'm helping Billy finish the plan," stu told him, pushing past him

"No, I'm not leaving without you, I thought we could do this the easy way, but I guess we have to do this the hard way ," mickey said, grabbing stu's arm and pulling him back and before stu could react, mickey punched him in the face, knocking him out

"Sorry about this stu, but I can't let Billy have you," mickey whispered, picking him up bride style.
Billy had finished dealing with Derek, and he disappeared into the crowd. From the corner of his eye, he saw mickey carrying stu, stu was unconscious

Billy clenched the knife in his hand and rushed over, pushing and killing anyone in his way

Mickey had gone inside a building, and Billy followed, "Hey!" Billy yelled, taking off the mask,

Mickey turned around and gently put stu down, who was slowly waking up

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Billy growled out ,"I'm taking stu, and we're leaving," mickey replied

"You're not taking him from me," Billy told him,"I am, and if you try to stop me, I will kill you," mickey threatened and Billy let out a small laugh

"I like to see you try," Billy said , mickey clenched the knife before he ran towards Billy, as Billy ran towards him

Both of them were about to stab each other, both feeling their knifes impaling into flesh but neither of them felt pain

Billy and mickey finally realized why neither of them felt pain, their eyes widening in horror

Stu had somehow gotten in-between them, blocking their knifes from each other but not him

Mickeys knife was impaled in his lower back while Billy's knife was impaled in his stomach, blood quickly poured out of both wounds

"Billy?.....mickey?" Blood poured out of stu's mouth, before he lost his balance and fell to the floor

"No!no! No! Stu! Hey! Keep your eyes open!" Billy pleaded falling to his knees besides stu,

Mickey stood frozen, and Billy desperate pleas echoed throughout the building , mickey watched as a pool of blood surrounded stu's body , he watched as stu slowly stopped breathing

"No!no!no! NO!"
word count -, 927

Hope you enjoy!

Part three will come soon!"

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