A day at the carnival

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The face paints

Billy loomis quickly followed behind his overexicted boyfriend, their friends chatting away behind them.

The carnival came to town, and Tatum and stu had excitedly dragged their friends to the carnival. Well, they only had to drag Randy to the carnival since Billy and Sidney couldn't say no to them.

"Hey! We should go on the ferris wheel first," Tatum suggested,"oh! Can we?" Stu asked, looking at Billy with pleading eyes.

"What? No way!" Randy protested with a shake of his head ,"and why not?" Tatum questioned, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Um..for starters I'm afraid of heights," Randy told them ,"You can stay down here, " Billy told him

"Or we could help Randy get over his fear of heights," Tatum suggested. "Yeah? How?" Randy questioned
Randy tightly closed his eyes, holding on to the metal pole tightly, Billy sat next to him with his arms crossed and a glare while stu sat on the opposite side of Randy looking down.

"We're not that high up," stu told Randy, turning his head to look at him

"Oh, we really high," Billy said, grinning as Randy let out a small whimper

"Billy, I love you, but shut up, you're not helping," stu said, Billy rolled his eyes before he smirked, moving the cart a bit and Randy let out a scream before hugging stu tightly.

"Billy!" Stu shook his head before wrapping his arms around Randy,"it's fine, Randy, see nothing bad happened," stu reassured him

Billy tsk, glaring at the way Randy was clinging to stu, but it was his own fault.

Randy slowly opened his eyes. "w..whoa, the view is kinda pretty from up here," he said, slowly letting go of stu.

"It is," stu nodded in agreement, and Billy couldn't help but agree with Randy and stu, the view is pretty and if Randy seemed to noticed that Billy was staring at stu then he didn't say anything.

Soon, the group got off the ferris wheel , Billy walked ahead with his hands in his jacket when he felt a hand grab his arm and he glanced over seeing stu smiling at him and Billy took his hand out from his pocket and interlocked it with stu's, holding hands as they walked.

"Sorry, if I was a bit mean to you at the ferris wheel," stu told him, and Billy shook his head ,"Nah, I deserved that,"

"So my amigos! What next?" Randy questioned, coming up beside them , walking backward

"Ohh! Can we get our face painted?" Stu questioned,"Yeah sure," Billy said, and stu smiled

"Hey sid, Tat, we're gonna get our face painted!" The girls cheered

Soon, the group had their faces all painted , and Billy seemed to have lost stu, but he quickly found him buying cotton candy with Tatum and Randy.

"You guys are fast," Billy told them, and stu turned to him with a smile before handing him a cotton candy

"Don't eat too much, okay?" Stu nodded, and Randy snickered ," Don't eat too much, okay?" He mocked, and Billy glared at him."Shut up,"

"Shut up," Billy took a step forward, but Randy ran off.
It wasn't long before the group decided to head home or more like stu's home . The minute everyone arrived, they all crashed , and Sidney and Tatum dropped themselves on the couch, and Randy dropped himself on the floor.

Billy walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water and stu followed behind him, clinging the huge teddy bear that Billy won for him to his chest.

"Want some water?" Billy asked, and stu shook his head with a small yawn

"Tired?" Stu nodded ,"can we cuddle?" Billy nodded ,"Yeah, head upstairs , I'll be right there," stu nodded before walking out of the kitchen.

Billy reached into his pocket and took out a small alien ring that stu brought for him. He smiled before putting it on and heading upstairs.
Word count - 660

Hope you enjoy

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