The pet store

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Billy trailed after his overexicted boyfriend. Well, he's more of being dragged by his overexicted boyfriend,

You must be wondering why stu macher is overexicted? That is because Billy had finally caved in after many weeks of begging from stu to go to the pet store.

Billy would've agreed the first time stu asked, but he wanted to be a little shit and make stu beg.

Now he's feels a bit guilty for making stu wait so long. He's so excited, and somehow, it's making Billy feel excited.

Arriving at the pet store, stu instantly vanished from Billy's sight. He only blinked how he was so fast?

With a sigh, he went to go find stu, avoiding the people he passed by.

He found his kind boyfriend in the hamster area smiling and tapping at the glass to get the hamsters attention, which he did.

"You guys are so cute,"stu giggled , and that was another reason why Billy probably said no the first time. He knew that he would get jealous of the animals.

"Billy!aren't they cute?" Billy looked at the hamsters and shrugged ,"eh,they're alright, I guess,"

Billy followed stu around like a lost puppy. He ignored the looks that people gave him as he shut down stu .Every time he asked if they could take a pet, he liked.

"Billy...can we get a snake?" Billy looked at the snakes , shaking his head, "No, absolutely not," stu pouted
Billy sighed, watching stu play with his new pet snake. He threw his head, staring at the ceiling, a small smile appearing on his face as he heard stu giggle.

Today, he learned that he couldn't resist stu's puppy eyes or the fact he couldn't really say no to him.

And guilt makes you buy snakes.
Words count - 303

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