"nobody touches my girl and gets away with it,"

852 15 2

Female stu

Billy loomis sat in a chair, holding a beer in hand. He was wearing shorts and was shirtless.

He was at a pool party with his friends, he didn't take his eyes off of stu who was chatting with Tatum on the other side , she was a old shirt, that may or may not belong to Billy , with a pair of shorts

Billy eyes followed stu as she and Tatum walked over to the pool. She took off her shirt, leaving her in her bra, before she took off her shorts, leaving her in her swimwear.

Billy swore he started to drool at the sight of her , and he wasn't the only one. Clenching his beer in hand, he watched as stu dived into the pool

Tatum laughed before jumping in, stu and Tatum swam around, throwing water at each other

"Billy! Come join us!" Stu shouted, waving him over ,"Nah, I'm fine here," Billy replied and stu playfully rolled her eyes

"What? Afraid of a little water?" She teased, and he scoffed," No, I've got a beer to finish," he said, gesturing to his beer

"Uh-huh, sure, dude, whatever you say," she said, swimming back to Tatum

Their was one problem, Billy and stu? They weren't dating yet , Billy's been trying to get the courage to ask her out, but he always chickens out.

"Chicken," Billy looked over, seeing Randy dropping himself beside him

"The fuck you say?" Billy glared and Randy laughed ,"I called you a chicken because that's what you are, a chicken," Randy told him, making chicken noises at him

Billy rolled his eyes,"I'm about to kill you," he threatened ,"what would stu think?" Randy dramatically said

"I'll drown you and say it was an accident," Billy told him , and Randy chuckled ,"going to drown me infront of everyone?"

"Maybe, depends if you keep talking," Billy told him, looking back at stu, his eyes narrowing at the guy who had stu backed into a corner , she clearly looked uncomfortable

The guy was touching her, that bastard was touching his girl , Billy put his beer down and stood up

"Oh shit," Randy cursed ,"that dude will die first then me," he added and Billy shot him a glare, and Randy zipped his lips, throwing the key away

"Hey asshole!" Billy shouted walking over and the guy looked up, the commotion outside lowered, everyone turned to see the drama that was about to unfold

"What?" The guy asked ,"can't you see I'm busy?"

"Get your hands off her," Billy said, the guy scoff ,"Can't you see we're having fun?"

Billy tsk, "I tried asking nicely," Billy said before jumping into the pool pulling the guy back and dunked him into the water, holding him under

"You okay?" Billy asked and stu nodded ,"Yeah, thanks for that," stu said and Billy smiled

"Nobody touches my girl and gets away with it," he told her , stu blushed

"I'm your girl?" Billy smile turned into a nervous smile ,"y-yeah, I mean if you want to be my girl,"

Stu swam closer to him, kissing his cheek ,"I would love to be your girl, now let the guy breath before you kill him," Billy let go of the guy, who swam up gasping for air

"What the fuck dude!?" Billy smirked ,"I asked nicely,"

"Fuck this man!" The guy swam away and stu wrap her arms around Billy, capturing his lips and Billy instantly kissed back

The crowd around them cheered and they pulled away ,"I love you," Billy whispered and stu smiled

"I love you too," Randy swam over to them ," congratulations," he said

"Hey can I drown Randy? He called me a chicken," Billy questioned

"Sure," stu shrugged ,"Hey, what!? No, wait! I take it back! I'm sorry! Ahh!"
Word count - 637

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