Presumed dead

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Requested by -BuckyWentPoof-

It was all a mistake, really. Billy and stu sorta forget to tell their friends that they were going away for the weekend.

So arriving at school on Monday was a shock for everyone and very confusing for the two boys.
Billy and stu walked into school quickly, noticing that everyone was staring at them with different experissons.

"Why is everyone looking at us?" Stu whispered, and Billy shrugged ,"I don't know,"

"Mabye because they're a bunch of weirdos," he added with a glare, making most students look away.

They started to whisper among each other.

Billy and stu made it their locker,  Billy just threw his whole bag inside while stu grabbed some books.

Both turned their heads when they heard a loud gasp . They saw Tatum with a hand over her mouth, tears in her eyes staring at them in shock.

Billy and stu share a look before stu abandoned his books,going over to Tatum with a worried look on his face.

"What happened, Tat? Are you okay?" Stu questioned before he stumbled back a bit, almost bumping into Billy as Tatum threw herself at him hugging tightly and letting out a sob

Confused and concerned, stu wrapped his arms around Tatum, hugging her back and rubbing her back, trying to calm her down.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Stu questioned, "Billy? Stu?what the fuck!" They both turn and saw Randy staring at them in shock , his mouth hanging open

Sidney stood behind him staring at them with wide eyes,tears sliding down her cheeks before she pushed past Randy and hugging Billy who glanced down at Sidney before looking at stu

"Hug her back," stu mouthed at him, and Billy hesitantly wrapped his arms around Sidney.

"How- how is this possible!" Randy questioned, coming up to them.

"Can someone explain to us what the fuck is going on!? And why the hell are the girls crying? Do I need to beat someone up?" Billy asked,

Sidney pulled back and wiped her tears sniffling,"we..we thought you guys were dead,"

Stu and Billy shared another look before Billy looked at Sidney with confusion,"Why?"

Tatum pulled back but kept stu in her arms . She looked up at him ,"You disappeared for two days,"

"And you guys thought we were dead?" Billy said amusment clearly in his voice

"Wait.. you guys thought we were dead for two whole days?" Stu questioned , a hint of sadness in his voice

"Yes! Yes, we did! We didn't know where you guys were. Nobody could find either of you! " Randy told them

"So you all assumed we were dead?" Billy chuckled

"Billy, it's not funny, they were really sad," stu told him, pulling Tatum into a hug again and reaching his arm out towards Sidney, and she joined in the hug.

"Wait! Where were you guys?" Randy questioned

"Did you forget? I told you me and stu were gonna go visit his sister this weekend, " Billy replied

Tatum and Sidney look at Randy, pulling back from stu embrace ,"You knew where they were!?"

Randy shook his head, "No! They never told me!" Billy let out a small laugh

"Yes, yes I did, I told you on Thursday that me and stu were gonna go away for the weekend,"
( last Thursday)

Billy walked into the blockbuster, seeing Randy at the counter with a comic book in hand.

"Yo meeks!" Randy glanced up as Billy walked over. He looked back down at his comic book ,"What loomis?"

"Well, stu told me to tell someone, so I'm telling you since you're the closest, me and stu are going to visit stu's sister this weekend, so we won't be here, " Randy nodded

"Are you reading porn?" Billy asked with a raised eyebrow, and Randy rolled his eyes, "I'm not reading porn!"

"Then why is there a half-naked woman in the cover?"

"Shut up, loomis!" Billy laughed before walking away towards the horror section

"How could you forget!" Tatum growled out, smacking Randy in the arm

"Ow!ow I'm sorry! I don't listen to half the things that come out of Billy's mouth! Half the time, he's insulting me!" Randy hid behind stu

"Hey, hey, easy, easy, " stu managed to calm down Tatum a bit

Tatum huff crossing her arms ,"we are so sorry, we should've called, but we were barely at the house since Vince wanted to go everywhere , and when we returned we were really tired, we are so sorry , we didn't mean to make you guys sad," stu told them

"It's alright, we're just glad you guys aren't dead," Sidney smiled at him

"But maybe next time, don't put Billy in charge of telling people that you're going away for the weekend or tell Randy since he forgets ," she added, and Tatum nodded in agreement

"Yeah, you come and tell us directly," Tatum said and stu nodded

"Of course," he hugged them both again ,"now, I gotta go call Dewey and tell him you guys are alive , " Tatum pulled back from the hug before walking over to a payphone

Billy glanced at Randy and chuckled ,"You're an idiot," Randy rolled his eyes

"Shut up, loomis," Billy laughed . He found this whole situation funny.

"Billy, it's not funny,"

"Sorry, babe, but it really is,"

In hindsight, the group learned never to trust Billy and Randy with important information.
Word count - 900

Hope you enjoy

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