"i like your piercings," [smut]

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Requested by youronehornybitch
Dominant Billy
Sub stu
Billy loomis climbed up the side of stu's house and crawled through his window ,"stu?" Billy called out , looking around stu's room.

Billy looks over at stu's bedroom door as he heard footsteps before seeing stu walking in his room, freezing as he spotted Billy

A huge smile appears on his face,while Billy stares at stu with a surprise look on his face.

Stu had gone away for the summer, and Billy hasn't seen him since, but stu changed a lot

"Hi Billy!" Stu went over and hugged him, Billy hugged him back tightly

Stu pulled back and smiled down at Billy, "So how have you been?had a fun summer, Billy?" Stu questioned

"Uh no, I had a very boring summer, but it looks like you had a fun summer," Billy told him, gesturing to the piercings

"Oh yeah, well, I decided to try out a new look," stu said, with a small chuckle

"Well, I like your piercings," Billy told him, stepping closer to him ,"I like your new look," he added , slightly pushing stu on the bed, and getting on top of him

"B-billy," stu stuttered, blushing, "you look very hot, stu. I had a very boring summer, but you could make it up to me right now," Billy told him

"How?" Stu questioned, and Billy smirked ,"by being a very good boy and obeying everything I say," Billy said

"Got it? Are you going to be a good boy for me, stu?" Billy whispered inches away from stu's face, and stu nodded before Billy closed the gap between them and captured stu's lips

Stu instantly kissed back, wrapping his arms around Billy's neck, pulling him closer , Billy hands gripped stu's thighs, slightly lifting his legs, before moving his hips forward against stu's

Stu let out a moan , gasping, and Billy took that opportunity to explore stu's mouth with his tongue, making stu let out another moan , gripping Billy's hair

Billy pulled back, "good boy," he whispered before starting to kiss his neck, leaving a trail of hickies

Billy took off stu's shirt along with his, and Billy looked down before looking back at stu ,"a belly button piercing? How many did you get?" Billy questioned

"Just a few, I um..didn't go any lower if that's what your asking," stu told him, Billy recaptured his lips

"Good because you're only mine to see," he told him , removing stu's pants, along with his, before removing their underwear

Billy recaptured stu's lips , stu eyes widened, gripping Billy's arms as Billy slammed himself inside of him without any preparation

"Ah! B- Billy!" Billy didn't give stu time to adjust as he pulled back and thrusting fast and hard ,

Stu moaned, gasped, in pleasure, and pain . He chanted Billy's name over and over again as Billy repeatedly slammed into him

Minutes later, Billy started to slow down, panting, spilling inside of stu, who panted, small whimpers leaving him

Billy kissed him, pulling out and falling beside him , out of breath

"I was thinking about having sex with you all summer," Billy admitted and stu turned on his side,a small wince leaving him , Billy turned his head, looking at him with worried eyes

"I didn't hurt you, did i?" Billy asked, and stu shook his head with a small smile ,"I'll be a little sore, but you didn't hurt me,"stu told him

"So you thought about having sex with me?" Stu questioned," all summer," he added

"Yeah, I imagined myself pounding into you, I wanted to have sex with you all summer, but then you left, and I couldn't, so i had a boring yet horny summer without you," Billy told him and stu chuckled

"It was a very cruel summer, don't leave next time, okay? I don't think I'll be able to handle another summer alone," Billy added

"I promise I won't," stu told him, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to Billy lips, "let's get you cleaned up, " Billy whispered and stu nodded

Billy had prepared a bath for stu, and they took a bath together before getting out and getting dressed.

Stu was fixing his piercings as Billy was getting dressed, putting on the last piercing, stu stood up and grabbed a towel before starting to dry Billy's hair

"Wanna watch a movie? I've got a bunch of movies, " stu said ,"Yeah, sure," Billy nodded and stu smiled putting the towel around Billy's neck before walking out of the bathroom but Billy reached out and stopped him

"I love you, stu," stu smiled, pecking Billy on the lips, "I love you too, Billy,"
Word count - 781

Hope you enjoy

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