They say that you're life flashs before you does.

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Requested by -BuckyWentPoof-

Au - Billy and stu are not the killers but the victims, Sidney is Ghostface.

Billy loomis was dead. Sidney Prescott had killed him. He died right in front of stu.

Billy died protecting stu and stu wished that he hadn't. If he was stronger than Billy would still be alive.

It was his fault that Billy died. It was his fault.

Besides, stu, dewey, Gale, and Randy were the only survivors. Stu slowly went into depression at the hospital.

Randy tried to be there for him, but stu wouldn't talk to him, or he would push him away.

All stu wanted was Billy back. He missed his sarcastic replies, his kisses, his laugh ,his smirk, even the stupid insults that he throws at Randy.

He missed Billy. He doesn't understand why Sidney killed everyone. Why did she kill Billy?

When stu was released from the hospital, he locked himself in his room. Sometimes, he would cry until he ran out tears.

Sometimes, he would get angry, but it wouldn't last long until he broke down crying.

He would barely sleep, only sleeping when exhaustion made him pass out. He would barely eat.

Randy tried again to talk to him, but stu would never open the door. Dewey came over a few times, but it was the same , he never opened the door.

A week passed, and stu couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't live with the guilt that Billy died protecting him. He couldn't live without Billy.

He finally went out of his room but only to grab his mother's pills before going back to his room, leaving the door ajar.

They say that your life flashes before your eyes.. it does , or at least it did for stu.

His first memory was the day he and Billy met. It brought a small smile to his face as tears freely spilled , sliding down his cheeks.

His second memory was his and Billy's first date, Billy took him to the movies and flirted with him the whole time ,he also tried some smooth moves on him. It worked. 

His third memory was his and Billy's first time, and Billy was so caring and gentle.

God, stu really loved Billy. Stu let out a weak sob. He would be so disappointed in stu.

A small whimper left stu as his life practically flashed before his eyes.

His eyes started to become heavy, and he didn't have enough energy to keep them open any longer.

As his eyes started to close, a last thought passed through his mind, "I'm so sorry, Billy."

Stu macher was found dead in his room a couple of hours later by his parents. It was too late to do anything. He was already dead for a couple of hours.

That day , Randy lost another friend, and he wished that he had tried harder, but deep down, he knew it wouldn't have made a difference. Stu would've killed him anyway.

Randy paid a visit to Sidney, who was in prison . He told her about stu, and all she said was ," Guess it's true , he's really was pathetic."

"You took away what he loved , he wasn't pathetic. He was just sad," was Randy's reply before he stood up, ready to leave. He looked at Sidney one more time , " You deserve to rot in here for what you did. " With that, he left.

Stu was buried next to Billy per his request, and soon, Sidneys reason came to light.

She was pissed because her mother slept around. She took out her anger on all the people she killed.

It was a fucked up reason why she started killing. The judge gave her a death sentence, but she will serve five years in prison first.

Five years because of the five people she killed. It didn't give justice to the family, but at least it gave them some relief.

Knowing that Sidney Prescott will die in five years.
Word count- 661

Hope you enjoy

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